Radioactivity turns me on

radioactivity turns me on

i'm so in love with you baby
your voice is a sound called radioactivity
your expansion and economics are my sexuality
make us so beautiful with chemicals
and on the other side we melt
one click in the wrong direction, nobody's fault
the control we once held
and the god status we once thought we owned
is gone with the wind and the track of my sperm

your internal- and your sex organs
are firmly put behind good living and catchy slogans
my heart's memory my brain fucked bleeding
it's not a reason against my high standard and needs
the plants are bombs they say
overhead and explode they're gonna do one day
it's not a question of maybe, it's a question of when
only the insects are going to live
but with mutation we're about to be a part of them

and you can't scream because you have to cry over humanity's tomb
the future is bright, bright as a thousand megatons
it's warm and it turns me on, yeah this porno called China Syndrome
radioactivity radioactivity turn me on
turns you off
radioactivity radioactivity
turns you off permanently

- Kristian