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Hi ya! Welcome to my page!
Fasten your seat belt! Its going to be a bumpy ride. Your mission: You will be travelling to the intergalactic galaxy Equadora to destroy and kill the Space Dorks, and their mother Queen Dork.
OK. actually if you are here you are probably a family member or a friend in which I have bugged you to come visit my uncreative site that was made by a 17 year old boy with a very uninteresting and boring life. In which case you are not a friend or family member you may be interested to know all about me. My site has everything that I like on it. It is filled with tons of cool things to see and do. You should check out some of my fun links!* If you still dont find my web page very exciting then you can check out my good bud Lizzy's Page. If you sign her Guestbook she will give you a gold star! So come right on in and enjoy your stay and please sign my Guestbook.......Bye

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