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Please take note that Terrible One although very well known is not a huge company. The revenue made out of retailing clothing is probably a major source of income that allows them to carry on supporting our sport/hobby. This is the reason why you must support them. Post this info on your site or let everyone you know just what is going on at Dans. Visit T1 at and show them your support. At the end of the day, regardless of what your buying, if your not sure what your buying, then buy direct.

Why Taj and Joe at Terrible One hate Dan.
Well, perhaps hate is a strong word. However, Joe and Taj definitely really really don't like Dan. It all started when we realized it had been a year since Dan had ordered T-shirts from us, but he still had them advertised in his ads. This seemed weird to us because all the other shops that we had sold shirts to had sold lots of them, and ordered more. Dan however, a guy who's famous for selling lots of stuff, had a picture of our shirts in his ad for an entire year and hadnšt ordered anymore, yet he still seemed to have them in stock. Taj bought some of the shirts, and was amazed to find that they were in fact not the shirts that Terrible One had sold to Dan. (See the photos below to see an example of the most obvious differences).
When we realized that Dan was selling shirts that we did not print, and that we did not sell to him, we immediately contacted him. Of course Dan refused to take any of our phone calls. So we began faxing. After many faxes it became clear that Dan had no interest in even acknowledging that this problem existed.

Finally we faxed him this letter...

"Dear Dan, New news... My partner, and Terrible One part owner Joe just spent a couple weeks at Woodward camp. He spotted 10 of the "funny" printed shirts that I have told you about. Oddly enough, in each case the kid said that he purchased the shirt at Dan's. At the advice of our lawyer he had the kids (and in most cases the parents who picked the kids up) sign that they purchased the shirt at Dan's Competition. We are now (again) asking for you help in trying to figure out where these shirts came from. I apologize if before I accused you of boot legging our shirts, but certainly you can understand why I would think that. These Woodward campers only seem to reinforce that, but I am still absolutely determined to find out the truth. Can you please tell us where these shirts, that are not from us and that you are selling came from????

It would seem to me that if you were now knowingly selling bootlegged Terrible One shirts, or even if Terrible One just thinks you are selling bootlegged Terrible One shirts you would do everything in your power to figure out and help us figure out what is going on. Terrible One is small but we both know the products are in high demand. It would be a shame for you to loose all chance of ever selling Terrible One products because of this dispute. If you have done nothing wrong than it would be very helpful if you would explain this. Otherwise, we have no choice but to think one of two things: either...
A. You did illegally print the shirts,
B. You didn't print the shirts, but bought them from somewhere else that did. AND you don't care enough to acknowledge the problem and don't mind selling illegally copied shirts.

In either case there is a very large problem. This is the kind of problem that a dealer dedicated to BMX would never stand for. AND it is one that Terrible One can absolutely NOT stand for.


The reply we got from Dan was of no help, and included this...

"Continue accusing us of wrong doing, and you'll quickly find us on the opposite side of the table. Further questioning involving this ridiculous subject, will go unanswered.

Dan Duckworth"

Needless to say, all of this has earned a big personal "FUCK OFF" from Taj and Joe.