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Hey yall! This is my first web page...pretty cool huh? :) Well feel free to browse, but don't forget to sign the guest book on your way out. See ya round.

Hey my name is Christie (if ya haven't figured it out by now) :)and I am a freshman at Brooks College. My major is graphic design. I like to draw, dance, sing, and hang out with friends. I have some pictures at the bottom of the page so go check them out. If you wanna chat email me sometime.

This is for my Michelle. She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. We have been friends since the sixth grade and she has been there for me through it all. We even survived Jackie and Crystal. *smile* We had some great times. We've been there for eachother through boyfriend trouble, losing family members and even losing friends. We have stayed best friends all through middle school, highschool, and college. That's a tough battle, but we managed. People always wonderd how we do it, but I never did. I know that our friendship is one that will make it through anything and everything. I love her with all my heart. She will always be my Michelley and I will never forget her. I love you Shell

This one's for Jenny. I have known Jenn as long as I have known Michelle, and even though we weren't as close as Michelle and I were, she is still a great friend. Our friendship must be pretty strong to have survived middle school, highschool and now college, being almost 200 miles apart. She will always be in my heart and I hope we keep in touch as the distance between us grows and the communication lessens. I love you Jen

Amber has also been my very good friend since sixth grade. I think the sixth grade was a turning point in all our lives. It's where you meet the people who will stay your friends throughout your entire life, at least it was for me. Although Amber and I haven't talked much since that "one last sleepover" before I left for college, she is still a very dear friend to me and I will always remember her. Love you Ambie

Eventhough I haven't known Laura as long as my other friends, she and I hit it off right away. It doesn't matter that I haven't known her as long, because it feels like I have. I'll never forget our adventure into the great unknown to find you know who yelling "JULIA" out the window, asking construction workers and gas station attendents if they knew where she was. I never knew Barstow was so boring and empty untill that day *laugh* but man I had fun. "Jenny Salute!" Love ya Laura

Emma is a really cool chica *smile* I met out here at college. She is from Minnesota, dontcha know, and we hit it off right away. All my other friends love her too and it isn't hard to see why. She is so funny and we love her accent. She came home with me for the weekend on my birthday and we all got together. It was the best birthday I've had in a long time. I don't know what I would've done out here without her. She has been a great friend and I hope we will never lose touch. Have fun at the Berry Farm :) Love you Emm

This ones for Shaylon. She has been a really great friend to me also. I met her here at college and I feel like I have known here all my life. She's one of those people that grow on ya. We are always together. In all the same classes. I can't wait for her to meet my friends back home. They'll love her too. She's my roommate now and we'll probably be roomies next year too. I hope we stay friends forever. Love yas Shaylon (*smooches*)

This is for Seonaid. She has been a really good friend. Even though she's not my age (3years younger then me) we hit it off anyway. She acts a lot older then she is. She's really mature for her age and that's why I think she gets along so well with me and all my friends. We have been everywhere together. Vegas (Sean and David *smile*), Lake Mead (hotter then hell), Stateline (that lifeguard), Mt. Charlston (Anthony and Matt *smile*), the beach (our sunburnt backs, and that walk to the beach singing the entire way so the mountain lions wouldn't eat us *laugh*) Palm Springs (that other lifguard...Dude!) We have done it all *smile* and it was so much fun. I miss seeing her every Sunday. I love lots Sha nay nay *laugh* (sorry had to)

That's my kitty. The GREATEST Cat in the Whole World

This is for my Mom. She is the best mom in the world. I love her with all my heart. She has always been there for me. Loving me unconditionally. Always there to help me up when I fall and I know she will always be there no matter what. She has the best sense of humor too. She just zings ya when you're not expecting it, but nobody really expects it from Mom. She's usually so quiet, but when she gets mad you better get out of the way. I will never forget Matt's 21st birthday either. I don't have to go into detail cause she knows what I am talking about. Keep holding up those walls. I love you so much Maw. (I miss tellin you that every night too)

Dad I put that Southpark pic on just for you *smile* You know you're the greatest dad in the world. You don't need me to tell you. *smile* You have been there for me through all the bad times and a lot of the good ones too. You were always behind me in whatever I wanted to do in life. Supporting my plans and dreams. I love you very much and I wish I could be home to tell you guys that every night. Just know that I am working hard to do well in school and make you guys proud of me. I love you Dadda.

This is for my big sister Kelly. I know we used to fight a LOT when we were younger, but now you're more like best friend than a sister. I think that's the way it should be. I loved sitting up late at night talking with you about school and the guys you were dating and telling you about guys I liked, but when you moved out that didn't change much. We still talk about that, but not as much. I love spending time with ya. You're a really great friend and an even better sister. I love you Keddie

This is for my little sister Shannon. We still fight like sisters, which sucks, but you're a cool kid. I like our little gossip sessions in my room after mom and dad have gone to sleep. Talking about guys and stuff. I miss that. Now you and Michelle talk more then we do, but I am glad she can be like a big sis to you since Kelly and I aren't really there anymore. Have fun in school and stop teasin all the boys *smile* I love you Nanners

And then there's Matt. Kelly's husband. The marine. He has been like a big brother to me I can't lie about that. *laugh* I guess he figured since I never had any brothers to beat me up he had to make up for it. He's cool sometimes though. I'll never forget the night he made me leave my friend's birthday party to go camping out in the middle of no where for a girl's birthday that I hardly knew. It seems she had invited some friends over for a b-day party, but no one showed up and she was really bummed. So we all went out in Matt's truck to camp on a cliff in the desert. It was sorta fun. He's not so bad I guess. I love him, when he's not beatin up on me *smile*

This is for my grandparents. They're the greatest. Always there for me when I need them. My grandfather is the reason I am here at a design school. He was a graphic artist and he inspired me to become one too. He is a fantastic artist though. I don't know if I could ever be that good. My grandma is the best, she always has an opinion for everyone whether they ask for it or not *smile* She cracks me up. I wish I could see them more often. I love you both very much.

This is for my "cousin" Jessie and her son Dakota. I haven't seen them in over a year. I miss them a lot. I remember going to her house everyday after school so her mom could watch us. Her house smelled like shampoo, cigarettes and perm solution *laugh* Her mom was a hair dresser and a chainsmoker. We had fun when Jessie wans't gettin into trouble. That girl was always in some kind of trouble. I was so bummed when they moved to Colorado. She was my best friend. I will always love her and even though we don't really keep in touch I will never forget her. I love you Jess

Well here are some really bad pistures of me and some half way decents pics of my friends. Hope you like 'em :)

"This is me and Doc"

"This is Shaylon and me"

"This is Shaylon and Emma"

"This is Shaylon and Tedd"

"This is me and Cameron"

"This is Webb! He is such a doll isn't he?"

"Spanky is the man! Just look at him!!!"

"This is Doc and spanky"

"This is me in my prom dress 99"

Christie's Favorite Places:

*** YAHOO *** Great Chat

*** BLUEMOUNTAIN *** really cool ani cards

*** DOWNLOADS *** downloads for yahoo

*** R&J *** A really neat romeo and juliet page!

*** EVER AFTER *** a cool page of the new movie ever after a cinderella story

*** BEANIE BABY CARDS *** Cute cards

*** GREAT MIDIS ON THE WEB *** cool midis!

*** FUNNY JOKES AND TESTS *** it is so funny you just gotta check it out!

*** YAHOO GAMES *** cool games on the net!

*** YAHOO CHAT *** great for meeting new people!

*** 8-BALL *** if you have a yes or no ? then go here and get a answer!

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