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Boiler start-up after acid or alkaline descaling (oxide removal) 

The so-called "Magnetite Drive"

General description

After stripping the old oxide layer, the boiler surfaces are subjected to chemical-physical reactions between the steel and boiler water. 

The end result of these reactions is the operational protective oxide film in the form of magnetite, or mixtures of hydrated hematite and magnetite, depending on the operational pressure of the boiler. 

A pure magnetite film or integral mono-molecular magnetite surface on the boiler steel can be obtained at operational pressures over 30 bar. 

The reaction between steel and water starts immediately after the boiler is fired.

First the remaining iron particles will convert into magnetic, black particles and show up as solid, non-dissolved iron. This cleaning residue will be removed by heavy blow down during first 10 hours of operation. During this preliminary stage pressure is kept to the minimum to allow simultaneous controlled formation of hydrogen that is produced by the reaction between the pickled surface and  water.

The pressure will be elevated to 30 bars after the first 10 hour period that can be described as an operational rinsing of the boiler. 

When the pressure is elevated to 30 bars, hydrogen starts to form strongly as the reaction between the steel and the water is increased due to the temperature that at this stage is around 330C.

The boiler is operated at this pressure for the next 48 hours. 

The blow down is kept at maximum operable during the whole period and the steam is vented out before any users to reduce the iron content of the steam. This includes all other eventual particle formats that might impair any turbine operation. 

The magnetite drive can be done in high alkaline or acid/neutral environments.

It is generally believed that acid/neutral conditions produce a denser and thus more durable magnetite. 

Hydrogen evolution is directly related to the speed of magnetite build-up. Graphs exist reflecting studies of different boilers. Hydrogen evolution during magnetite formation. A typical graph is shown here.


The hydrogen analyzer for continuous monitoring is usually available only from research institutes or very large companies due to the cost of such units.

Therefore in practice based on the known graphs the drive is controlled by the pH of the boiler water as pH indicates the amount of free hydrogen ion in the water. 

The task of the specialist is to assist boiler operators in the proper pH control and bring the boiler water to operational pH level at the end of this procedure.

An experienced specialist is needed to maintain the pH graph within the limits by right dosing of pH elevating compound(s).

An uncontrolled pH variation may strip the newly formed magnetite due to excess acidity or result in rapidly formed and porous magnetite with rapid rise of pH.

The phenomenon takes place quickly and an inexperienced operator in the start up situation may be tempted to overdo the measures to control the pH.


The graph does not indicate any chemical dosages as this varies in each individual boiler. 

The chemicals that can be used to control the pH value are the normal water treatment chemicals. However, a volatile compound as the basic treatment at first is preferred to avoid any precipitation that might be caused by non volatile inorganic or organic treatments. The same goes for filming amines as they have no influence on the formation of Magnetite but may in excess dose cause undesirable films to deposit.

The most suitable volatile compound is hydrazine or its commercial derivatives such as carbohydrazide that convert into hydrazine in the boiler.

Inorganic compounds are recommended for use after the first 24 hours, provided the boiler uses them in the operational water treatment.



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Natural films or deposits that form on water-side boiler surfaces and the relevance of them in boiler protection. 

This discussion deals with magnetite and semi-protective forms of hematite only. 

The word MAGNETITE seems to be a magic word  often referred to in  boiler water treatment product descriptions around the world.

The result is that end-users of water treatment products understandably think that the additives somehow contribute to magnetite formation.

Apart from control of the on-going characteristics of boiler water during start-up/magnetite development, the additives do not in themselves contribute to the reaction which makes magnetite. In  controlled magnetite formation,  certain chemicals are used to control the excess acidity caused by ionic hydrogen to facilitate ideal circumstance for the densest mono-molecular film to form over the first days of operation. Here, the control also includes the boiler pressure over this period. 

Magnetite is the most important natural protective film formed on boiler surfaces since it resists the influence of water and contaminants to further react with the steel material. 

However, normal treatment chemicals have nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the formation,  improvement or retardation of the pure magnetite under operational conditions.

Magnetite is formed on a clean,  pickled steel by two reactions: 

1.      Electro chemical reaction called Schikorr reaction that takes place as follows: 

      3Fe (OH)2 = Fe3 O4  + H2  +  2H2O                                                                           The iron hydroxide is initially produced by reaction between iron and water. No other chemicals assist in this process. The reactions start around 100C and increase as the temperature increases.

2.      Hot oxidizing reaction when magnetite is formed directly on the steel without hydroxide intermediate phase. This reaction starts at temperatures 300 C or approximately at 30 bar boiler pressure. The reaction follows this route:                                                     

      3Fe   +   4H2O ( 300C+)   =   Fe3 O4   +   4H2  

Magnetite starts disintegrating by other reactions at temperatures around 570C. For this reason boilers or superheaters operated at this or higher temperature or even close to it have been constructed from alloyed material, not from pure boiler grade carbon steel. 

It is possible to induce “magnetite?formation with chemicals, even below boiling point, but we then are able to produce only a “black color?and not the integral monomolecular film with steel, that the magnetite should be. 

The available temperature (boiler pressure) alone will decide what quality magnetite is obtained and by what reaction. At the lower temperatures a mixed film is formed that consists of both magnetite and hydrated hematite. Loose particulate magnetite is also formed.(Therefore all closed hot system sludge are black). After pickling or created by chemical addition, this particle magnetite may adhere as a separate deposit collection on the steel surfaces but is not the integral part of the steel that a properly formed magnetite is. 

Hydrated hematite: Fe2 O3.3H2O is not as good a protective film as magnetite, but if the pressures are too low to form proper magnetite this will be the replacement. The color of hematite is red ( rust color). This explains why it is not possible to obtain black surfaces in a low-pressure boiler, but colors that range from dark brown to reddish. At best  a reddish black. 

The only benefit of reducing chemicals like tannins, hydrazine, sulfite and their derivatives is that they also reduce 3-valent iron into 2-valent iron, thus reducing or eliminating the risk of forming ferric chloride that is very corrosive in the boiler or on the surfaces. 

Under normal circumstances, there should not be any 3-valent iron in the boiler system, but it can be brought there by chemical cleaning with hydrochloric acid or excess an chloride source such as a  seawater leak into ships?boilers. Otherwise these compounds work as oxygen scavengers,  which is their main task. 

The formation of magnetite on the steel surface is a continuous process. It is at its most intense 2-3 days after taking the boiler into use after pickling. The reaction produces hydrogen. The quantity hydrogen of can be determined by analysis, and the formation speed of magnetite thus determined. An experienced film formation supervisor is able to influence the formation speed and thus the quality of the film.

Basically, this requires controlled guidance of the pH value in the boiler during this formation. The hydrogen, if allowed to form too quickly, causes acidification of the boiler water and strips the film. Over-rapid pH elevation to neutralize the acidity leads to over-rapid formation of the magnetite, and produces a less dense, porous, and thus weaker film.

Maintaining the optimum condition is difficult  without  previous experience. One is best advised to leave this to the experts.  The  problem is there are only very few experts in this field due to the tendency of water treatment companies making marketing mythology of the subject instead of promoting a true understanding of this part of  boiler protection. The hydrogen formation can be accurately monitored with a hydrogen analyzer. The analyzer also cannot replace operating experience as things happen very quickly and all counter measures have to be in proportion not to become overdone.  In low-pressure boilers this whole issue is of no particular importance as reactions are slow and at the end incomplete. 

After initial forming in ca. 3 days the magnetite continues to grow at an ever decreasing rate as the film thickness grows. This can also be measured by a hydrogen analyzer. The normal hydrogen formation at later use is in the region of 5 micrograms/l. When the Magnetite film has thickened enough its crystal structure becomes too large and brittle. Local thermal shocks may break the film spot-wise, causing a local flow disturbance and heat transfer hot spot with consequential corrosion phenomena and tube rupture.

The magnetite does not conduct heat as well as steel and a too-thick film impairs the heat transfer and increases the fuel bill. It also may lead to overheating of the tube material at the fire side and cause problems at that side. (Bulges and ruptures due to weakened steel) 

In standard industrial boilers the upper limit for magnetite thickness will be reached in ca. 40000 use hours and in critical once through boilers in ca. 25000 operating hours. 

Boilers up to 60 bars are not very critical for the thickening of magnetite as the temperatures are generally too low to create major problems. 

Also in these boilers the fuel economy suffers when the film thickness is well above the acceptable. Often has the writer observed films in excess of 300 microns. With those thicknesses even a 60 bar city utility boiler sends tens of thousands of dollars  to the skies in  the form of a bigger fuel bill. 

The initially formed magnetite film is very thin, microns only. In operation the film will be within the range of 15 to 100 microns. In critical boilers the thickness of 100 microns requires unconditionally removal of the film and creation of a new one. (Pickling and new forming)

Boilers at pressures lower than critical can tolerate thicker films but generally a boiler in +/-100 bar  class should pickle when the thickness is 150 microns. 

For lower-pressure plants the following rule-of-thumb advice can be given:

Any film thickness that you can detect by eye after breaking the sample tube film is too much and you are well advised to pickle the boiler to save at least your fuel bill. 

All advice written in this context applies only to boilers over 30 bar pressure where proper magnetite forms. 

In any plant a magnetite film can be formed only at pickled surfaces. 

For the vast number of boilers in pressure range 0-20 bars magnetite really does not exist in the sense described above. However, the mixed films may also impair heat transfer and increase the fuel bill excessively. It is therefore a very good practice to pickle also these boilers routinely every ten years whether problems occur or not and of course, always when there have been phenomena  producing foreign films or scales on the internal surfaces.



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