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Columbine Memorial


In memory of . . .

all victims of high school shootings, especially the ones that so many never mourn for.

I light these candles in their memory, may they burn forever, and serve as examples for just as long...

I pray for the people who died, who lost their lives so early in them, it isn't fair. They deserved a chance at life. I pray they find peace and happiness in the next plane. I pray for those who drove the perpetrators to the edge. May they not be judged solely on their cruelty to others. I pray for the perpetrators, that they are judged fairly by whatever higher being that is there. May they find the peace in the next world that they never knew here.

Yes, I do mean the the shooters too. I know that no one sees them as victims, but they're victims too. They ARE victims of the world and its lack of compassion. I do not condone what they did. Violence is the wrong solution, but they didn't have another one...

Their fellow students saw them as slightly different, and treated them like trash for it. I'm sure they tried to go to the administators and teachers. But that's something one only tries once. That may be a bad attitude, but it's a realistic one. Assuming the person they go to even does anything, they talk to the harassers, or in extreme cases suspend them. That doesn't fix it though, after a few days it begins again, only worse, because the tormenters are angry now.

The students who went to the extreme were only human and could only take so much... They wanted to end it... But they didn't want themselves to be the only ones to feel their pain before they went... so they decided to take their tormenters down with them.

I pray that whatever higher being there is, to consider this testament when judging these poor souls... You made them human, humans are fragile and at the same moment cruel. Have mercy on those of us with lesser limits to their tolerance.