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"What Would They Think?"

By now you have probably noticed the growing number if banners, buttons, and ribbons advocating one cause or another on the Internet. We'd like to add one more.

Thousands of web pages exist on the Internet that are devoted to the Backstreet Boys. Hundreds of those contain a very popular feature known as fanfics (fan fiction). These are stories written by fans featuring the BSB (and others).

For most of us, writing (and reading) fanfics are a way to not only express our love for the BSB and their music, but as a means of expressing our creativity through words.

However, some people have crossed the line from writing your everyday fanfic to writing something completely different.

Quite a few fanfics have recently been appearing that are extremely adult in nature. While many fanfics do contain "bedroom scenes", there are a number that are graphic accounts of what should be a very personal and private matter.

This campaign is a challenge to ALL fanfic writers out there. As you write that scene, after you finish that story, before you decide to post it, please ask yourself this question: "What Would They Think?"

Many people may forget that the BSB (and other celebrities) do have access to the Internet and frequently go online. Put yourself in their shoes:

Imagine you are a BSB and you're surfing the web and you come across a web site devote to you and the group. Curious, you check out the page, maybe laugh at how you look in a particular picture, then you notice a link to "Fanfics". As you start to read some of these stories by someone you've never even met, or even heard of, you discover that they have written you into a very graphic situation. Imagine how you would feel. Now maybe this is the first fanfic that you have ever read. What if all fanfics are this way? Now BSB fanfic writers (and readers) know that not all fanfics are sexually graphic, but if this story is the only one you've seen, your view of other fanfics (and the people who write them) isn't going to be good.


STOP RUMORS! - No one likes being talked about behind their backs. Just because they are famous doesn't mean that they don't have feelings.

KEEP IT CLEAN! - My mother always told me "Don't show it all… Leave something to the imagination." Good advice. If your imagination is as overactive as mine, if/when your characters "do the deed", you don't need to play "show-and-tell" to be effective.

RESPECT! - Respect freedom of speech and expression. Respect the people around you and those who come in contact with your works. Respect your talent and yourself. And respect the BSB by living up to our challenge.

Before you post anything at all, fanfics or not, ask yourself:

"What Would They Think?"

Think about how THEY would feel if they came across something you posted.

Think about how YOU would feel if they came across something you posted. Please copy and paste our banner/button on your web site and link it back to this page.

If you would like your name and web site to be listed here as a WWTT? Supporter, email us here. Your email address will not be posted, and if you do not want your site or your name to be listed but you want to express your support, feel free to email us.

If you have any questions or concerns about this site, this campaign or any of the ideas presented here, please sign the guestbook or email us

© 1999 What Would They Think?

Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with the Backstreet Boys, their management or their families. We are fans who love to write fanfics about the BSB and want to protect the future of fanfics and to fight the graphic exploitation of the BSB. KTBSPA!