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A Tribute to Abby



Tickner's Lady Abigail


April 17, 1988 - March 15, 2003


Abby's favorite toy, her yellow duck. It journeyed with her to the Bridge.

Abby loved wrestling with her best pal, Piper.

This morning our beautiful Abby crossed the Rainbow Bridge into that beautiful, peaceful, happy meadow where she is now running with her sister, her mother and grandmother, and her best scotty friend Bonnie Belle. I remember the night that she was born. I held her in the palm of my hand. I watched her grow into a stately and beautiful German Shepherd, over a 100 lbs of love in a furcoat. She watched over her boy as he grew into a man. But that young man could only say a tearfull goodbye this morning here at home, he could not bare to watch her last journey. She guarded him in his Eagles Nest Tree House every summer in our back yard, when she would much prefered to have been sleeping inside in the air conditioning. She was the only dog they allowed at the boy scout camp. She guarded HER TROOP for a week every summer, even though she hated the ride in the car, she seemed to know that when tents and sleeping bags were loaded, she was going to work. I think she missed those summer trips when Paul was no longer able to go to camp. I know the scouts all missed her. She guarded our house and its family with quiet reserve. Just two years ago, while we were gone camping, someone kicked in our back door, they were greeted by Abby, she was not a barker, so we don't know what happened that night, but they never came farther than the door.

Although not a Scotty, she could frap with our two with the same abandon that they enjoy. Miss Lizzy will miss her Nanny and Mr Piper will have no one to torment now. The neighbor's will not have their neighborhood watch dog to watch over their back yards. The yard will seem quiet, her favorite spot in the basement will be empty. But yet I know that she will always be here with us. I know this because I have this huge hole in my heart right now, Abby has taken our hearts, her passport to watch over us, with her to the Rainbow Bridge.

As I held her in the palm of my hands the night she was born, I held her head in my hands this morning and watched her eyes as they dimmed for the last time. I know when she opened them again, she was standing on the Rainbow Bridge watching Bonnie Belle fly across the meadow to greet her and welcome her home. As I know they will both be there to welcome me one day.

Goodbye my sweet girl

Mickey Tickner, Lizzy, and Piper


Rainbow Bridge



Page created & designed by: Katie & Riley's Mam, Carol

MUSIC: Leaves on the Seine - David Lanz
