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Here Is "Tell's" Pedigree.

"OOOOPS...'Fright' what are you doing here??? Are you looking for Mom?? Well, go home now!! Mom's telling a story,and this is the really scary part,cover up your ears 'cause we don't want you to hear this!!! For those of you who have not met Frightful Blau Banshee v.Geist..'Miss Fright' ,she is my BLUE,she's three years old and a good hunter.Unlike, what many will tell you about BLUES, she doesn't have skin problems,her temperment is wonderful.She's all Weimaraner,loves to play hard..and will sneak onto the bottom of the bed when you're sleeping.Loves to give kisses, especially to children!!OK...,she's gone's time to return to our story...


The Homer Carr Story