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Science 9  2006-2007


Test and Quizzes  25%

Projects / Assignments 30%

Binders 10%

Midterms 15%

Final Exam 20%

Extra Help : Extra help will be available upon student request. Please make sure you inform Mr. Kelly ahead of time of your intention to attend.

Textbooks: Your textbooks are your responsibility and are very expensive. Lost or damaged textbooks are your responsibility to replace or purchase.

Assignments and Projects: Assignment due dates will be announced several times and it is the student's responsibility to find time to complete tasks by the deadline. For every day an assignment is late a penalty of 25% will be assigned. On day 4 the assignment will be worth 0% but still must be completed to PASS grade nine science.

Binders are your first reference and should therefore be kept tidy including dated notes, homework, assignments, and returned assessments. There will be two checks each worth 5%.

Formal testing contributes to 60% of your total mark. Please take notes, complete homework, and ask questions to ensure your are fully prepared for these dates.

Textbook Assignment Chart

You are responsible to return this textbook in June in the same condition in which you received it.

Name Text # Name Text #