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May. 12th, 2006 @ 03:09 am [protected post] (no subject)
Current Mood: meh...

I should be asleep right now...but I'm not, as usual. I have two exams tomorrow, both of which I have not studied for, as usual.

People say I shouldn't hate my life because I have a lot of things going for me, I have people who love me, ect. And I do have a lot of things going for me. I'm getting a college education that my parents are paying for. I have a loving family as well as friends who look out for me. Even though all of this may be true, why do I still hate myself? It's because even though no one wants to admit it, I am an emotional fuckup. I am stubborn, immature, insecure about my feelings, and unable to accept the fact that I might be wrong sometimes.

I'm saying all of this because for the last few days I've been going through a shit load of drama between friends. One of which got really upset with me for not putting a lot of effort into talking to him and for idling on him all the time. Which to be honest is sort of my fault and sort of not. On one paw I probably should have told him upfront that I didn't really like talking to him, which I did do once or twice, but on the other paw he shouldn't have reacted the way he did. Anywyas, he got really upset and started being an absolute asshole about it by posting private instant message conversation logs between me and him on his journal, as well as making journal posts asking everyone to "boycott" me in hopes to raise some kind of army against me for his cause. Naturally he ended up getting more insults from his friends than what he thought the cause was worth, so he took down the post. However, it's things like this that really make me question whether or not I even want to associate myself with someone like him. I never really liked hanging out with him to begin with, we would always manage to get into some minor disagreement when we would talk on the net, and after seeing how immature he's capable of being, I'm quite positive that I don't want myself associated with him anymore.

However, it's not just this one quarrel that makes me stop and think. It's a whole series of events similar to this that make me considerably question my ability to handle friendships and most of all, my ability to deal with my thoughts in an appropriate manner. In the past year, I have held many great friendships with people who now want nothing to do with me. I've since come to realize that this is not because of them, but more or less because of myself, and the foolish and stubborn ways in which I acted. Now, I'm not saying that I am the one who deserves all the fault for what has happened to me in the past. What I am saying however, is that a considerably large amount of the blame does wind up on my plate.

Part of me wonders whether or not growing up sheltered had something to do with the way my emotions are now. During my Elementary School years, I would always be picked on by pretty much everyone around me. Recess was the one period of the day that I dreaded the most, and I would thus hide myself on the other side of the campus next to the door of the classroom where no one would see me and where I could easily get into the building if needed. I never talked to anyone or played with any of the other kids. I would just stand there for an hour occupying myself with a GameBoy hoping the period would go by quicker.

The teasing didn't stop at Elementary School. Infact, it had only just begun. When I got to Jr. High School I was harassed on an hourly basis each day. Always by the same kids too. It wasn't usually anyone different. Everytime it happened I would just ignore it and pretend it didn't exist. This continued all the way through Jr. High School and into my Sophomore year of High School, when one day I finally decided that I had had enough, and went to the principal to report him. He was later suspended as a result.

Sometimes I wonder whether or not this all played a role in shaping the emotional and psychological wreck that I am today. I spent nearly 9 years of my life being abused mentally and all the while sitting back and absorbing it like a sponge. My experiences taught me to be afraid, to never grow up and develope a mature mind, and more importantly, to see myself as a failure, a fuckup, a loser, a freak, and a nobody.

It really makes me wonder where I'm headed in the future. How many more people will I piss off? How many more of my friends will end up turning their backs to me due to an error on my part? Part of me wonders whether or not I should pack my bags, take the friendships and connections I've made, and get the hell out of this fandom before it does me any more harm. When I first joined the furry fandom, I thought it was all fun and games. It looked like a cool place to meet new people and experience new and exciting things. And for the most part that's been the case. I've learned more about my sexuality and become more comfortable with it than I had ever thought possible after joining this community, and I've met some amazing and wonderful people along the way. However, there's a side to this fandom that not everyone sees when they first walk in the door. It's extremely hard for me to describe exactly what it is, and I'm still trying my hardest to figure out what it is exactly. I guess the bottom line is that this fandom plays around with your emotions and feelings. It gives you false hopes and tricks you into seeing connections that simply arn't there. I feel like this fandom is slowly killing me, and I need to escape it before things get out of hand, and more importantly, before I become even more emotionally depressed and repressed.

I've spent the last year trying my hardest to psychoanalyze myself. Trying to look deep inside my mind and figure out what my problems are, with the hope of being able to one day correct them. My ultimate goal is to be able to one day comfortable say that I love myself. Right now however, it's exactly the opposite. I despise myself. Infact I might even go so far as to say that I hate myself. I hate my emotions and my insecurity about who I am. I hate my stubborness and immaturity. Sometimes I'll lie away at night wanting nothing more than to be able to find a way to change. To change myself into the person I want to be. To be someone who is mentally sound and isn't afraid of who he is. To be someone who doesn't act like a complete and total asshole during times of drama. I just want nothing more than to love myself and love who I am. Over the last year I've developed a pretty good understanding of what my emotional and psychological problems are. The problem is that I have no idea how I can go about correcting them. I don't know how to change.

Some of my friends can't understand why I'm so depressed all the time. One of my friends even got upset with me for not appreciating everything that I have, after coming to my house for the first time, meeting my family and seeing how much I have going for me. I don't blame him for being upset. I also don't feel like I downgrade or take for granted everything that I have going for me and the loving family that I have. If I had the chance to give up everything that I know and own to be happy with myself, I can safely say I would do it. All I want in life is the happiness that I can't seem to grasp. All I want in life is to develope a mature mind and handle things like an adult would. Sadly, that's most likely not going to happen.

I'm starting to get woozy, which tells me that I should think about going to bed.
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Date: May 12th, 2006 07:25 am (UTC)
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I know exactly where you're coming from. I led a sheltered existence growing up too and I was something of a shrinking violet. Picked on, ostracized, made to feel freakish, etc. (I now realize with hindsight that it was because I was a young dragon who didn't fit in!) I never really came out of my shell until I moved here to London. I had no motivation to do otherwise until I had to stand on my own two feet with only Squirrel around to catch me if I fell.

Believe me, striking out on your own - once you've got a mortgage to help pay for, a job to hold down that you depend upon for your survival, adult responsibilities to deal with: that makes you grow up faster than you can imagine and is probably the best assertiveness course available for free! Over the past seven years of living here, having built my own nest (or should I say, lair? or drey?) with Squirrel, I have become very assertive with a very no-nonsense approach to life and someone who will not hesitate to stick up for himself when the moment calls for it.

You will come into your own someday, foxy. At least you have a good idea of what's going on. The first step is to do what you've already said you should: put all this drama behind you. Just walk away from the "friends" who are making life rough for you. You can't move on until you've done that. Tell everyone who's bothering you to fuck off and look after yourself. *hugs*
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Date: May 12th, 2006 11:11 am (UTC)
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One of the biggest mistakes someone can do is find solace in compassion rather than facing their fears. This is what the furry fandom does best for a lot of people. Yeah, I'm blaming furry on a lot of your issues. It's personal mostly yeah, but it's environemental.

See, you didn't "learn more about [your] sexuality." Rather, you took refuge in a community based on open arms first, feelings later and hey, that's what a lot of people do. What it ends up being is fake reassurance, a quick way out for people to find the physical closeness, sex and feelings with none of the real emotion that goes along with it. People fuck around with each other for shits and giggles and those who are somewhat unsure where they are in the first place latch and cling on to a chance encounter with something and becuase there's literally NO negative feedback from those who are used to this sort of it, they get disillusioned in the mess of it.

So yeah, that's one part, you have to be cynical and prude about that sort of thing first but once you get your foot in the door and get accepted, it's hard to change yourself with regards to it.

I mean, all of this is pretty obvious. Look how many people go through relationships, encounters, "love" and friendships like underware in this community. When I see someone like you starting to go down that road, or at least what looks it, I get concerned and angry becuase 90% of everyone's friends in this group is all "*hug* you'll feel better." and "yay I'm soooooo happy for you."

Everyone's a fucking fake in this bullshit, the ones who are jaded but are part of the community are declared not welcome or "trolls" and no one has any guts to stand up for anything real becuase they risk losing internet buddy or don't care becuase it's just words on the screen.

For someone who is just not sure where they are in life, it's a living hell. This shit isn't reality, so take it one step at a time and ask yourself what you really need.

Step one is leaving all this behind.
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Date: May 12th, 2006 12:29 pm (UTC)
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*poke* I think there is a middle ground between the "Love" and the "Trolls". Compassion isn't a bad thing, I think it's that everyone has too much Sympathy for each other. Compassion usually comes from experience and a willingness to let someone make their own mistakes, but be there to help them climb out of the muck after. That's where compassion really counts, AFTER you've allowed someone to go down the road they needed to, even if you knew it was wrong. Sympathy = The "Love", "I Told You So" = The Trolls, Compassion comes in the middle. I like to think that's where I stand, and it's not so bad a spot.

*HUGS to both of you*
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Date: May 12th, 2006 12:23 pm (UTC)
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Hey you.

I've got lots I could say about this, but it's better done over the phone or in person. I think the first thing you need is a hug. :) The next thing you need is a, "You're not alone." I've been there, though my bullying lasted until I flipped out threw a bunch of angry and mis aimed punches at one of the guys who tormented me. :) I think I hit him in the throat, I was aiming for his face. *grin* After that, no more problems, from them. However, I continued their abuse to myself for years after.

But look at me now! I have confidence. :) Granted, it's a long hard road, but you'll get there too! I'm not the ideal of what anyone should be, I have more issues hiding in my heart than most, but I'm working on them. You CAN be happy with yourself someday, I promise! *HUGS*

If you'd like, we can get together and we can talk about it more in person. I've got lots to say on the subject, you are warned in advance. :)
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Date: May 12th, 2006 01:42 pm (UTC)
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It's hard to read this and not think, "Damn, that's me."

I completely understand where you are coming from. You don't realize just how important your formative years are until they are well behind you. I too grew up in a sheltered environment, where I was shielded from a lot of problems. Also, being an only child, I never had to compete for anything. I also came from a well-off family, so I was never left without. In short, my upbringing saved me from a lot of hardship, but it also prevented me from some valuable experiences and life lessons. My childhood, while very safe, was boring and empty.

How many times I have been tempted to leave the fandom, never to return. But, I always seem to stay. Why? It has done me far more good than ill. The fandom has opened me up considerably: socially, mentally, spiritually, and yes, sexually. Sure, there are aspects of the fandom that irritate me. But, there are aspects of "mundane" life that irritate me, perhaps even more so.

In fact, I'd wager that I am a stronger person now because of the stresses that the fandom has brought me. Yes, that is incredibly Nietzsche. I am now facing those hardships and challenges that most people encounter in their childhood. Like how to deal with people, how to accept adverse viewpoints, how to handle stressful situations, how to form friendships, and how to form romantic relationships. None of us can learn these things if we do not allow ourselves to peek out from behind our battlements. Now, if I could just learn to take my own advice....

I too seem to be losing friends in the fandom. I moved to this area, specifically to be around these people, and now find that they are increasingly silent and distant towards me. Have I done something to offend? Am I that shitty person to be around? Are my mood swings that uncomfortable to others? Even if I know for sure that this is not the case, I still gladly and eagerly take the blame for it. It is as if I need to bear the cross, so to speak. And, despite my long hair and love of sandals, no, I'm not developing a Christ complex. :)

You are being very hard on yourself. You have a lot to offer people, but I know it's tough for you to see that. If I may be so bold as to make this suggestion, turn off the computer for a while. I know that technology has acted, to a degree, as a shield or a comfort blanket (it does for a lot of furs). Leave the PDA and the cell at home. Remove yourself from the online world a little, and get out and spend some offline time with people...with all their quirks, nuances, and faults in plain sight. It was the best thing I ever did since I found the fandom.
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Date: May 12th, 2006 04:13 pm (UTC)
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Try to keep your muzzle up, your Furry family loves you. :)