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Andrea's Picture of Andrea Awards

Her Homepage's Awards...

Soldier of the Cross Award
Soldier of the Cross Award

CIN Seal of Approval
CIN Seal of Approval ©1998 CIN

Golden Crown Award
Golden Crown Award

Dove Award
Awarded by Jesus Loves You

:-) Hot Links :-)

The Best Christian Links
Awesome Bible Passage of the Week
Cookie Recipes and Recipe Links
Virtual Flowers Links
My Mom's Page

Jesus loves you no matter what :-)

Guestbook Christian Links Bible Passage Virtual Flowers Recipes & Links My ICQ My Mom's Page

God bless you!

This page created by Andrea B., Copyright © 1999. All rights reserved.
Usage or copying of any images found on this page is strictly prohibited.
Jesus Christ is the "Master" of this web site. I am merely its caretaker. :-)
