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ESTEBAN! : Esteban is the star of the show,and the sort of unofficial leader of the trio. He bears one of the medallions which makes up the key to the Cities of Gold, which was given to him by his father, the High Priest of the first Gold City.He also has the power (which he denies) to make the sun come out. He's a young boy raised by Spaniards though he is not necessarily spanish himself.At the start of the series Esteban is ten years of age, by the end he is probably close to twelve. Esteban is adventurous and gutsy and as one of the brothers said "it's true, he's a little wild, but he has a sweet nature". He is very loyal to his friends, and he is friendly and open natured.

ZIA: Zia is the second Child of the Sun who bears the other medallion of the City of Gold.She is of the Inca people, whom she was kidnapped by the Spanish from when she was about eight years old and given to the Queen of Spain as a young companion. Zia can read the Inca texts and probably knows more about the Cities of Gold than anyone else on the expedition, but she refuses to share this information with the Spaniards, whom she does not trust, and she is fiercly loyal to her people. She is Esteban's dearest friend, and is about ten years old at the beginning of the series.She's a very sweet nature and she is not aggressive in anyway, but loyal and considerate to those she cares about.

TAO : Tao is the third child, and his important aquisition is a golden jug which proves to be instrumental to the machinery of the City of Gold to prevent total chaos and destruction. He is the last of the Hiva people, a highly advanced race skilled in technology and creations of beauty and ingenuity.I think he's a little older than Zia and Esteban, but not more than a year or so.He's very intelligent, and also very impetuous and fierce, but he has a strong loyalty to his friends and people, especially Zia and Esteban, and his parrot Cokapetyl (sp?).Like Zia he does not trust the spaniards.

The three children are a very close knit group who trust and care about one another, and are determined to always defend and look after one another at all costs. Their journey teaches them not only the greediness of man, and the traditions of other cultures,and the beauty and danger of the world, but the true meaning of friendship. Zia and Esteban have a little crush on each other, which Tao at the beginning tries to intercept, but after meeting the beautiful Myena on their journeys,he finds his own love interest ;D.The trio are the best of friends and are bound by a love that can't be broken!!!!