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Problem-solving exercises, evaluation and trust fall

drawing by Matt Groening (a Captain Beefheart fan)

This is a description of activities before and after the hike.

Each group had a different life and used different activities.

* Knots in the rope
* Spider's Web
* Exchanging experience ( to cross the river )
* Find the tree
* Mine field
* Trust fall
* Vehicle feedback

* Ball name game and time challenge
* Turn the tarpaulin over
* Electric wall
* First reflection
* Two blind squares
* Second Reflection
* Spider's Web
* Third reflection
* The Hike Reflections
*Johary windows

We start with Group 1 with Jacqueline, Kristina and Dirk, who wrote this part of the report.

* Knots in the rope

I made three knots in a small rope, 2 normal  knots ( like we all know ) and a figure eight.
The group got a big rope. All members of the group have to hold the rope with two hands . They had to hold the rope at the same place during the whole activity.
Task for the group: make the  3 same knots in the rope every time between  the two people I decided on.  For example: a figure eight knot must come in the rope between Ilse and Carlis.

* Spider's Web

See the report below about Group A's experience.

* Exchanging experience ( to cross the river )

The story
On each side of the river is a group of youth workers. They both have a lot of experience and a lot of questions. They are from two different countries and they want to exchange their knowledge and experience to learn from each other. But, in between them is a distance, not easy to get over.
They try to exchange experience and go to the other country.

The activity took place near the bridge at the small river.
The group was split up in two, each group on one side of the river.
They all had five objects , symbolising their experience and knowledge.
The task was: to cross the river without touching the ground, or touching the bridge.
The groups had to change side and take their knowledge and experience with them.
They could communicate with the other group by fax  - one of the team members was the fax.
Both groups received the same material to make a construction. ( ropes, carabinas , harness, etc...)

* Find the tree

Group is split up in two small groups.
Both small groups are blindfolded and they have to find a tree, starting from a different point and find their way back to this starting point. The two groups know before which tree they have to find.
Behind the tree, I put my tobacco and my lighter. One group has to pick up the lighter, the other group the tobacco. The small groups can only pick up the tobacco or the lighter once they are all on the tree. The activity is finished when both groups are back at their starting point.
Before starting the activity there is time for the groups to decide a strategy. The groups cannot  change anything in the environment to make it easier to find the tree.

* Mine field

On a large, strong plastic sheet their are squares , made with plastic tape.
This symbolises a mine field . There is only one safe passage through the mine field (see illustration below). Under all other squares there are bombs.

The task for the group is to cross the mine field with the whole group . They have 15 min. time to find a strategy for that. After these 15 min. they are not allowed to make any more noise.
Only one person can be in the minefield at the same time and they cannot use anything to mark the squares. Team members make the sound of an explosion if someone steps on a square with a bomb; and that person has to return to the beginning and allow someone else to try.

* Trust fall

One person is standing on a wall (1,5 m high). We did it on the little wall near the sauna building.
The rest of the group stands in front of each other, two by two and  stretch out their arms.
The person on the wall closes his eyes and when ready falls into the arms of the group.
We did it as a final activity after the hike was finished.
As with all these exercises, safety is paramount!  So take care of the head and the back of the people who fall.

* Vehicle feedback

We did this activity the morning after the hike as a reflection.
The group was split up in two. Every group has to find a vehicle that symbolises the whole big group and then draw it.
They have to give all group members a place in this vehicle. A place that symbolises the way people saw that person in the group.
For example: "Johnny, you are the motor of our slow tank, because you were always motivating us to go on."
Both groups come together and show their vehicles and the positions in them to each other and explain the reasons for each choice.
After that everybody can react on the feedback he/she got from the group.

Group A: led by Bart, Evija and Artûras (with the "Third Eye" watching and writing)

* Ball name game and time challenge

Group stands in a circle.  Say someone's name and throw the ball to that person.  Make sure that each person receives the ball.

Repeat the exercise, this time remember who you receive the ball from and to whom you throw the ball.

Now, repeat the exercise without names.  Very good, I'm going to time you, make it faster, everyone should touch the ball.  Yes, very good, but I'm sure you can make it faster.

[Challenge continues until the group achieves a time of less than two seconds by placing their hands in a descending line and the ball rolls down the incline.]

* Turn the tarpaulin over

The whole group stands on a tarpaulin which is just big enough to accommodate  everyone.  The task is to turn the tarpaulin over without anyone touching the grass.

* Electric wall

The group holds hands in a circle.

A rope is tied between two trees at approx 1.20m height.  The rope represents a solid electrified wall.   The task for the group is to get over the rope without touching it.  If anyone touches the rope the whole group has to start again.  They are allowed to make one break in the circle, but the chain of hands has to remain in place.
The trainer spots the participants.

* First reflection

What would you like to share?
How did you feel?

* Two blind squares

The task for the group is to make a pattern of two squares using the two ropes provided.  There is one hour for the exercise.

Things are made slightly more complicated by the fact that blindfolds are worn for the whole exercise, starting immediately after the introduction by the trainer.

[The group finish the exercise in 53 minutes].

* Second Reflection

What was the group process like?

Pay attention to the three P's of groupwork:

Process (how are people feeling)
Procedure (what is the plan?)
Product (what is the result?)

* Spider's Web

A "spider's web" is constructed with thin ropes between two trees.  There are holes of different sizes and shapes.

The task for the group is to pass each person through the web without touching the ropes.  They can choose one hole to pass two people through, otherwise the rule is: one person, one hole.  If anyone touches a rope, the group must start again.

* Third reflection

How was the product?  the process?  the procedure?

What are your wishes for the future in this group?

* The Hike Reflections

During Group A's hike, the participants took decisions for all the steps along the way.  The trainers were to keep quiet when it came to taking decisions and they managed quite well.

There was one reflection session after breakfast at the campsite (24 hours after the hike began).  Each person found a symbol representing the hike so far and responded to two questions about :
° what do I like?
° what do I not like?

The day after the hike we spent the whole morning on two rounds of reflection.
First each person reported on their general feelings about the hike.

*Johary windows

 Then Artûras introduced us to Johary Windows.


Name of JOHARY comes from authors: Joe Luft and Harry Ingman. I don't know original source, but I took it from "Practical guide for youth leaders" written by: Andrea Mewaldt and Þilvinas Gailius (you should know him), published in Vilnius "Vyja", in 1997.

A - open part of the personality - "I know and other people see it"
B - part of the personality unknown to the person him/herself - "I don't know, but others see it"
C - part of the personality known to the person him/herself "I know, but others don't"
D - part of the personality unknown to anybody "I don't know and others don't see it"

In group life, we see people explaining "C" to each other and, one of the greatest opportunities we have here, "B" can become clearer to us (if the conditions are right) through feedback.

So, each person spent quite some time thinking about all the other members of the group: drawing a symbol representing each person or finding some words about the others.  Then, in turn, each person showed and described their ideas about everyone else.  It was agreed by the whole group that the contents of this feedback session would remain private.

Mark, 27.10.98


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