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Caern Of The Howling Tiger

Within the confines of a city park lies the place of power to the Garou. A caern.

Here is the place where many stride. Of many walks of life. Governed by the old and wise Buck. The sept leader but also an Elder Silver Fang. Open minded to anything but a great leader to be feared as well.

This site is created based on the game, Werewolf The Apocolypse by White Wolf gaming industries. All contents in these links and files are based on this game and are not to be taken to strongly.

Within this site you will find Links to White Wolf based sites, Portals for Roleplaying Online and an extensive look at the Legacy Pack. A pack of 5 Garou who strive to make a difference in the world one way or another.

If you have questions or comments feel free to email the creator of this site.


The Legacy Pack
The Shadows Bar
Reserve Chat