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- Miranda's Page -

* Heyy baybees =) I made this page so I could mention tha dopest people that I've met. It's got pictures of everyone from freshman year up until now. These are people I love most:

~*My family - I gotta put these guys first. Even though we argue & things can get rough-I love them 2 death. I'm so lucky to have them in my life & am able to come home to them. I 4real couldn't ask for more.

~*PLAYGIRLS*~ You gurls were my life. I think that even tho we were only really close for about a year-I grew up with you guys. There's too many great memories & experiences to even try to list one-but I know that we all know every single one & will always remember them.

~*Holy Holl~ My litl hoodrat baby - Me and you have been thru tons of great stuff, huh? All's I know is that everything that I've been thru - you've been there. You are the greatest friend, and Im so glad that we're the closest. PGs forev. All I got to say is our daddys must've been terrorist..cuz we da bomb, nooo I got that wrong they was some fishermen..cuz we OFF DA HOOK! We a lot like campbell..MM MM GOOD haha O O You Ludacriss

~*Alicia~ We were always like sisters. "Cute brown eyes..cute litl figga, boys stay away till I get a litl bigga" Its too bad we cant rewind life, eh? Y will always be one my best friends.

~*Erica~ I wish we were closer than we are. We've had so many great times together. Things just aren't the same without you, Er. Remember singin loves the only house, chad brock, i'll be, and all the PG songs together? We always had the most fun and you could always bring me up from the lowest times.

~*My cousinss Melissa Missy Jenny & Whit-lo I love you gurls more than lyfe. You're my roll-dawgs 4sho. You're prolly tha best friends I've ever had and def the most real.

~*Carma - I love when you make time for us cuz you're a lot of fun to be around. Watch your bumper when you're pullin out of gast stations hoe =)

~*Katie - We always have soo much fun together even if we're doing nothing. In the beginning of this year you were my I'm real happy that we got close. You mean a lot to me, Katelynn. I hope we always remember frost hoes & all the great times in the soccer mom van.

~*Nicole -Rollinss 4 lyfe- You're the only person in this entire world that I always want around-no matter what kind of crazy mood I'm in. I think youre my long lost twin or someth cuz we are the exact same person. I know that we haven't known eachother 4ever but I have more memories and great experiences with you than with most the people in my life. You've always known when to be there for me and when to give me my space-having someone in my life who just UNDERSTANDS me, I can have fun with, and can always go to is the best thing that ever happened to me. You're my world baybee! LoL- We're girlfriends How many points ya rackin up gurlll?! SHOO I LOVE YOU NIC~HOE =)

~*Tee- It's funny..sad..and crazy how things work out. We have so many memories together. We've had a lot of bad times but so many great times, too. You're one of my only friends that I'll never say "We're SO much alike!" to. Maybe that's why we always got along. We disagree on some stuff & argue sometimes but I won't ever forget growin up with you and everything between us.

~*Meguhsta - You're the sweetest girl I know. You're always lookin out for everybody. You're one person that I hope neverrr changes at all. I feel like I can tell you anything. You'll always be one of my favorites.

~*Ashley~ Elko sucks. I loved growin up with you so much. We have great memories together. I miss you.

~*Nicole Cicerello~ We really have been friends the longest. Every memory I have of Romulus, and from when I was young, you're apart of. I miss you.

~*Kristin - You were always the funnest of us girls growin up together. It was always fun being around you and we used to be real close - I loved it.

~*Jess - HWs I remember us being best friends & you better. Remember singing Drops of Jupiter by Train? lol And all our crazy softball confession talks & fun times that we had.

~*Autumn - we were always really good friends and we've had too many good times together. I love you like a sister & I'm always here for you.

~*Alex~ Like we aint bestttt friends. Er Tee & I are AL'S ANGELS. Youre the funnest guy and you are really one of my best friends. You always make me smile - no matter how I'm feeling & we always have a great time together. WHO RUN IT?! How do you talk to an angellll..Youve lost that lovinnn feelingggg haha

~*Race~ Partying just isn't the same without this one. We've had a million good memories. You're one of my favorite people to talk to about lyfe. You're good at listening & you're a really good friend.

~*Ru~ You're my fav PH. Wha I say - I said no. I love your retard hat and the Ru-DING. You love da Ladyyy PHs cuz we're YOUR space..Bet. Dont worry be happy Ru Ru Ruuuuu uuuu lol Im a backyard pimp =) and youre not. But we are the best friends and you can throw down. Thanks so much for always listening to me when I'm havin rough times. You mean more to me than basically anyone..distance won't ever change that but other shit did..

~*Jaymes~ One time at Bobalo Bombs over baghdaddd - we love that, but we hate how the grinch stole your speakers. That sucks =( Im mad at Jack..but I love you FO LYFE! PHs Forev

~*Anth~ You are so much fun =) I miss the PH days. You're so easy to talk to about everything & a real good friend.

~*^I would just like to say that you last 5 boys that I mentioned have got to be the funnest people I have ever met & I am real glad I'm friends with you.

~*7 Jimmy~Even if we fight SO bad and you are so mean Im in love with you, husband, lol. I know that things arent as good as they should be between us, but if we actually have 1/2 the relationship that I think we'll work out for the best in the end. And I know you know that..I also know how much more you love me than ALLL the other girls swingin. =) We're all getting so old - & looking back on all the years - I'll always remember you being there for me, & just being the best person in my life. No matter what happens or how we end up I'll always love you and I'll always think we have something no one else does..I don't know why but I just do. We've been through a lot, but we're always gonna be close. Sometimes we fight, but our relationship is so strong it could make it thru anything. You really are my best friend ~ a lot of my favorite memories and best times were with you and you mean the most to me. I don't know what I'd do without you, James. I love you <~~ ooh look at that LoL ~BEST FRIENDS 4 EVER~

~*8 Big Ol Dan Dew~Heyy Chicken Headdd - How are you dewing? You think you're special..but let me tell ya ONE more fight about your leadership and I will straight up LEAVE your shit! lol I seriously don't know anyone else like you. I wanna be just like you, Rudy Poo. 4real - we've known eachother 4EVER now and I really dew love you so much. Thanks for always puttin up with me.

~*John I miss how close we used to back in 6th grade. Wow, we've known eachother for a long ass time. You're one of the funnest guys from our class & I love you.

~*Joshuah - Of course I'm gad that you & I started hanging out again. You're fake to death, LoL, but you're a great friend. Our one day a week is relief to me & like I didn't set a trend.

~*BENGO =) You & Me used to have so much fun together at all the parties at my house w/ Bacardi. Youre the best guy & we're getting married if we're not married when we're old.

~*Lonnie~ You are really a great friend. I love talkin to you about better love talkin 2 me too even tho I SUCK at helping. I'm really glad that we got close-you're the funniest.

~*Joel~Hoel Best service buddy. Service Drives are the best. Lets get married ~*WEDDED*~ Im glad we got so close. Sucks that you had to move =( I miss you too much. Hey~do you think that we're best friends now? lol

~*Eric youre great. I don't know too many people like you, you're REAL honest and I love that. YOU'RE the biggest chicken I kno & YOU'RE SO HOT ;) haha Youre the ~*PLAYBOY*~ and my --- best friend. What # date are we on?! =)

~*Nathan - I love you Nae Nae! I know that when you first moved we kinda grew apart but you will always be one of my best friends & my brother. Thanks for always wanting to hang out when we have nothing to do & for always listening to me.

~*Justin - You're one of my greatest friends. -I LOVE YOU- We had the best friendship ever and some of the best memories. Randi its loud!! Sit back Sit back, BUB (but not anymore) haha Good times.

~*Gregory-I love you and I love your whole family, too. Youre one of the best guys I know and I'm so glad we're friends. Somf, SEVEN rhymes, haha.

~* I love the PGs PHS JVers CCers HWs Rollins Madonna~Crew Ralaeraka~HUH Soljass Adam9 Chris10 John McCue Jake Viers Todd Alt Todd Ross Jake Blose Larry Jake Watson Matt Kibler Cristin Lacey Lo Roberts Robert Matteo Nick and everybody else

AOL IM~ Miranda749 Love yas

~*The links below are pages with pictures

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