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Lizzie's BSB Palace

Modified: July 19, 2000

Hey, everyone, LBSBP is moving! Our new location is pls go and check it out!!

Welcome to my BSB palace. I hope you all enjoy you're stay here and I also hope you all enjoy the new layout. The old one was getting kind of boring, even I am going to admit that!

Alright, I have something to say now. First things first, my mom, Athena, is now the new - and proud - co-owner of LBSBP. I need some help and she is in charge of the pics. (But I do the HTML for them, heh) Thank you, mom!

Now, for my second matter of discussion. You will notice that I took down my GuestBook. Why? People signed it in rude ways and I'm not down for that shit. Sorry, but I will be ordering a censored GuestBook. Until then, e-mail me with any comments.

Hey, I am going to be moving some things in LBSBP. I am getting sick of a lot of it so I may even be moving. Go here to see the new opening for LBSBP and please update your bookmarks.

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