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Ok... first off, I must tell you, talk to me all you like, but PLEASE, and I beg of you PLEASE, do NOT use the word WHATEVER! It is one of my most hated words of all time! It's right up there with cancer! bah! Now anyway.... this isn't going to be very interesting, it's just a bunch of crap about me, so if you chose to read this, then maybe you'll find it amusing or something. Ok, now what was I gonna say. Hmm.... let's see! I NEVER update my page, due to laziness and lack of new stuff, so if you have any new stuff you'd like to see on my page, tell me. You can e-mail me if you'd like, but I rarely check my e-mail. However I WILL write you back when I see it, just can't guarentee how soon. What to say, what to say.... I usually can't shut up but now I'm just drawing a blank. I like to draw. I can be creative at times, and even poetic, but others I'm as stupid as I should be. I COULD tell you what I look like, but then you COULD just go look at my pictures. Yeah so, a guy walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing nothing but seran wrap underwear. The psychiatrist says, "I can clearly see you're nuts" =D That's my favourite joke! hehe... I like to be funny. I like funny people. Happy people are fun to be with. I am usually a happy person, but unfortunately I can be mean to some =( I do not TRY to be mean, I guess it's something I was born with. Well I'm talking to Drew right now, oh and thanx for the weekly messages in my gbook by the way, thought you'd like to know, and just a little piece of information you all should know BEFORE I get yelled at: I have NOT seen Mallrats. Nor have I seen the whole movie Kids. Please people, do not be alarmed, I just have a tendancy to fall asleep during movies =( Oh well.... I've got absolutely NOTHING left to say, if you have any questions or facts about me that you think I should put in this big mess of crap, let me know! E-mail me, message me on ICQ, call me, or just come visit me! somehow... we will speak again =)

Lots of Love

~hugs 'n' kisses~


CrAcKhEd AmY

I have finally updated my page!!! so I decided I'd change this around a little as well. On New Year's I finally saw Mallrats~ and loved it!!! =P So there's lots of new stuff happenin' with me..... let's see.... it's a new semester so I've got all new classes, and they're great!!! Also, I like a new guy, and he's nice to me unlike the asshole formally known as mike >=/ March break is comin' up, and I haven't got any good plans so will someone please help me out here??? The origional trip to Florida has been cancelled so I guess I'll just be stayin' in good ol' Hamilton as usual =( I thought I had more to say, but I don't! hmm... I'm gonna appologize to Danielle for not putting her picture up, I thought I did. SORRY!!! I know way to many people. I don't like them all though =P hehe... here's my top 5 hate list: Chris Wetstone, mike Boccaccio, Dave Anderson, Ryan Barnes, and last but not least, Adam Rose! Notice they're all guys? Anyway, I'm gonna go fool around with the other sections of my page and be sure to look at the pictures of my cousin and I!!! I think they're cute =D *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Lots of Luv

CrAcKhEd AmY

Well a half a year later I've finally remembered about this ol' page of mine! Yeah so school's over, (about time). The asshole formally known as mike is now back to being plain ol' Mike again. He's forgiven me for bein' a bitch to him. Also, the new guy I liked is now the new guy I love~ aka Derek. I ended up spending my entire March Break with him, and continue to see him everyday.... I hope he doesn't get sick of me =P I put up a new section entitled "Aww..." that has a whole bunch of picture of Derek and I for those of you that are interested. Hmm... as for my hate list, it stays the same with the exception that Mike has been excluded. Since Jeremy and Justin have decided to move away from me, I guess I can use my page to say good-bye! You guys are awesome, you're like brothers to me, and though we say the same thing to each other everytime we meet, I'll call ya this weekend! Wait, I can't now! I don't have your phone number! Jack-asses! UGH! heh... anyway! be good, write me from the states~ I'll miss you boys!! =)

~*~*~*~Love, Peace, Chicken Grease!~*~*~*~

CrAcKhEd AmY

Just so you know, for those who care, anytime I update my page, I always update this section and do not necessarily add pictures. It's been almost a year since I've changed anything on my page, and I appologize (though I'm not sure anyone even visits my site anymore). I've been really busy, with work, friends, school and whatnot. Also, I forgot my password for a few months, then angelfire changed everything around and I just figured out how to work it. So here I am sitting up at 2am bored outta my mind, hoping that this will waste some time before I can finally fall asleep. Anyway, there's tons new with me since June of last year, unfortunately not all good. I had the best summer of my life at work last summer. I wish I could go back to those days. Oh yeah, I broke up with Derek in August, just in case you were wondering. My birthday was a blur. I had a bit too much to drink and may have said some things I shouldn't have. Though my party was fun, I still did not have a happy birthday due to Mike. December was a crazy month. My dream came true, and as fast as it happened, it went away and turned into a horrible nightmare =( I've never been so hurt or sad in all my life. I suppose I just wasn't meant to live in happiness. If I could take back what I did, I wouldn't. That was the best feeling I have ever felt and would do anything to get it back, though it's now impossible. Christmas was the same as it always is. Hectic, horrible, another big cry fest. I did get to see all my cousins, and that's about all I liked about the holidays. New Year's Eve was an awesome night which I spent at my house with my closest friends. It was all good until Mike came and then I spent the rest of the night crying over him as always with him not caring. He came over the other night and asked me, "Why do you do this to yourself? You know that inviting me over will just make you think things that aren't true, and then you'll just get all upset and freak out on me like always." It's totally true. It's always the way, but I can't stand being alone, and he's the only one I can trust. Well, the only guy anyway. He's the only guy that I liked, who was honest to me right from beginning to end. Even though the truth practically killed me, I love him for that. So now I'm back in school trying to live my life as normally as possible without thinking about people who make me upset. It's not working very well as you can tell.... can't sleep =/ I don't expect anyone to read this, and if people do, I don't expect them to care and don't want their sympathy or pity. It's easier for me to write than to talk 'cuz my words never come out as I want them to when I speak. So for the updates: Justin and Jeremy may have moved, but we still keep in contact and hang out every so often. I've hung out with a lot of friends I haven't seen in a while like them boys, Fernando, Griffin, Natalie and such. I saw Brenda at the shoe store, and I called Yairis about a month ago.... Hate list... I don't hate, just don't like~ Adam, haven't talked to him in the longest time and I'd like to keep it that way. Ryan can just go die for all I care. Dave, whatever, he lives his life and I'll live mine, I don't need to waste my hate on him. And Chris, I don't care about him either. Just another stupid guy who makes quick judgements about people he doesn't know. I miss Nathan. I miss my gramma. I miss my old life....... ~*~*~*~*~Amy~*~*~*~*~ Hmm.... let's see.... Christmas is approaching and I've vowed to opt out of it this year. I've learned a lot in the past year and I figure I'm smart enough to avoid problems like this. I tried to go to school again this year but work seemed like a much better idea at the time. Not to say that I'd love to go back to school, I just don't want to work. I wish I could just hibernate for the winter, it's too damn cold when there's no one to cuddle with. Around this time last year things were almost completely normal, then Matt came along. Man he screwed up my life. For some stupid reason Nikki still loves me and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep it that way. You know what though, as much as I think I should, I don't hate Matt. Sure he's an idiot but so am I. What I don't understand is why he doesn't want Nikki talking to me. He has absolutely no reason to be mad at ME, I did NOTHING to make him mad. Not that I'm putting all the blame on him, I just don't understand. Either way, I can't get over it. I wish things could go back to the way they used to be, normal. So that if I wanted to get a hold of Nikki at Matt's house then I could easily call without having to worry about getting yelled at or something. I could see me and him talking again, but I'm definately not going to make the first move. If he does, I'd have to get Nikki to sign some papers or something of approval. So enough about that, you can obviously tell there's not much going on in my life since I'm bringing up old problems. I'm not sure if that's such a good thing though. There's nothing new and exciting, but there are still minor problems. Whatever. So the summer went by fast as always and I lost about 15 pounds in one week because of SER. God I love my job! Actually, I got a new job a couple weeks ago, but the day that I was supposed to start, I changed my mind and didn't want to go. Sure the money is good, but I don't want to have to go all the way downtown every day, I'm just too fucking lazy. So here I stay at SER with my $9 an hour pay. Yes I know I can do better but I don't need money, I don't do anything. I just got back from Puerto Plata though. It was nice and hot, but the vacation itself wasn't that great. It was just like being here but with nicer scenery. Now for the updates: Mike and I talk a bit, maybe about once every few months. He's really busy with his new girlfriend and all. Don't care. Jeremy and Justin moved to Florida! Yeup, haven't talked to them in a LONG time. I think Fernando is moving to California, haven't talked to him in a few months. Griffin I see at Burger King all the time, he's changed. Adam, well, out of sight, out of mind. Isn't that a line from Beetle Juice? Dave, who the hell is Dave? Lemme check... ohh... Dave! No no... we're good now. I see him sometimes when I go to Brandon's, he's alright. Chris? Once again, out of sight.... Nathan, well, he called me up about a month or so ago out of the blue. Weird. We hung out, played pool, caught up, he's got the cutest dog in the world. He's changed too. He's quieter, not as funny, and I dunno, it was really awkward hanging out with him. All we had to talk about was work and old times. Oh well. I still miss my gramma, how can I not. Anyway, I think it's about time I got dressed, I need to go to the bank and get myself a credit card!!! YA BABY! =P I got myself some mutual funds too, preparing for the future like a big girl =) hehe... ok, I'll update in another year or so. Bye Bye ~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Ehme~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ **Note to James and friends: not Mike Labelle =)** (Yeah I'll spell your last name my way, don't fuck with the language)

September 15, 2003 So I've decided to make this little section of my page the start of my memoirs. I figured that since my life is so crazy and eventful that I might as well write down my little stories for the people of the future. So the last time I wrote I said that Christmas was approaching, so let's assume it's about a year later. I'm not sure if I will participate, I'm still not a big fan of Christmas, but we'll see what happens. Still workin' at good ol' SER. I think Greg might have been right when he called me a lifer. Hibernating still seems like fun, especially since there's still no special person in my life. I love my friends and all but you know what I mean. Nikki and I still get along fine and things have turned out a lot better than I expected. I was busy with work again this summer but I managed to get out a bit more than last year. Things are crazy with the rest of my life though. Michelle called me the other day and told me that she's 2 months pregnant and is marrying Ben. All I have to say is that I'm glad it's not me. That's just not something I wanna be thinking about right now. I'm going to California in the next couple of months to visit Fernando, that should be fun. I plan to go somewhere at least once every year. Updates: Mike and I never talk. I think he messaged me about 3 months ago. We planned to hang out but I guess it fell through. If you're reading this though gimme a call! Jeremy and Justin were just here a few weeks ago for a visit with Fernando. It was nice to see them again. I think I'll visit them next year. And Griff, thanks again for takin' care of me that night. Adam, Dave, Chris, same story. Some things never change. Nathan works next door to us since we moved and all, so I see him a bit more. My gramma's birthday is comin' up soon, I'm gonna go visit her grave I think. I cancelled my mutual funds and got some rrsp and gic something or others. My credit card bill gets a bit bigger as the months pass and I now have a loan. I work my ass off every day and what do I have to show for all this? A beautiful little car, a lot of shoes and expensive perfume. So I'm not doin' too bad I guess, but I'm not too sure if I'm happy. I'm just tryin' to make the best of things. ~*~*~Amy~*~*~