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Son Canyon VBS 2002

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If you have never experience Vacation Bible School at Northwest Baptist Church, then you have never truly been in a Vacation Bible School!!! I was SO impressed by their VBS the previous year. They held it like not even a month after we had gotten to the church and I was amazed by the decorations and all the preparation that they had put into it! So, I did not hesitate to volunteer to teach the next year! In 2002 the theme was "Son Canyon," and I taught the 7-9 year olds. Karissa, one of my best friends, helped me out in the class. Anyway. . . Here are some pictures from Vacation Bible School. Of course, they can not nearly capture the excitement of actually being there!!!

Here is a picture of the class that I taught. We had so much fun! Karissa and I spent weeks painting rolls of black plastic sheeting to use all around the walls, making rocks out of paper bags, making clouds. . . It was a lot of work, but SO much fun!! The room was meant to look like a canyon top during a thunderstorm.

There was even a cave in our classroom, and the kids had a blast sitting in it during class time! (Of course, there were a couple nights when no one sat in it because of the "distraction" it caused. . . LOL

Okay, you didn't actually think you would get by without a picture of Sherri and I, did you? Didn't think so!! LOL Oh yeah, and to clear up any confusion, that thing around my neck is a name tag we made out of wood for VBS.

Here is a picture of me helping out with the music service in Vacation Bible School. These were little kid songs, sure, but I still listen to them. They have a great message, and you can not listen to these VBS songs and not move!!! "Jump to the left and jump to the right. . . ."

Here is another picture of me singing with the kids. . . What can I say?? I love to sing!!!

Here are a couple of pictures of our classroom. We almost got high during the night before VBS painting stuff on the plastic sheeting!! But in the end, it was AWESOME! Now, just imagine a thunderstorm CD playing in the background, and a strobe light making it appear to be lightning! Really cool!!!

Okay, my last picture is a crazy one! Every night at VBS I would wear a vest and a cap just like I would if I were to go up on a canyon. Well, one of the prizes I got for the kids was a pair of holographic sunglasses. They matched my vest and cap perfectly so I had to get this goofy picture taken. I assure you, I am not a hippie!!! LOL

Well, that is it for the Vacation Bible School page! I will leave you with this. . .

"Every cowboy, every cowgirl, gettin' ready for the Pony Express!! Saddle up and take the message to the North, South, East and West!!!" AMEN!!