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Ezekiel 36:26.27 (Nothing's the Same Anymore)

Lately I’ve noticed I’m changing,
Nothing’s the same anymore.
Seems as though always inside of me
I’m fighting my own private war.
What happened to all of my goals?
I’m searching for all of my dreams.
Everything I have hoped for
Has failed, or so it seems.
God, I long to be close to You
So I can know which way to go.
I’ve tried to run my life all alone
But it seems like I run with the flow.
Each time I feel like I’m finally ahead
I end up falling flat on my face
And miraculously, Your infinite mercy
Restores me with such amazing grace.
You promise to give me a brand new heart
With new and right desires.
That You’ll give me a new, humble spirit
That can ignite a thousand fires.
So I’m reaching out my hand to Yours
Asking You for that brand new heart,
One that will always follow after You,
Never wanting to be apart.
I’m tired of running my life all alone;
Self-navigation only leads to a fall.
You aren’t interested in just a part of me;
You said You must have my all.
Now the leash I tried to cut away
I place within Your loving hands.
May I completely yield to Your calling.
May I fully trust in Your plans.
Lately I’ve noticed I’m changing.
Nothing’s the same anymore.
God now has the reign of my life
So I don’t have to fight a private war.

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