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About Me

I was born on July 25, 1981 in Chilton County, Alabama. My parents were informed by the doctors that I had several "abnormalities" and that I would not be able to live a normal life. Thank God for parents who trusted God and not doctors! My right hand was missing a finger, my esophagus was hour-glass shaped rather than straight up and down, and I was missing my two lower lumbar vertebrae. The doctors told my parents I would never talk, walk, or use my right hand.

Today I am 22 years old. I can walk and run with the best of them. You can ask some of my friends: I never shut up!! I am typing this website with BOTH hands, and play the piano. Do I say this to brag? Not at all! I say this to testify that with God, NOTHING is impossible! There is a reason that I was born with these problems, if only to show that God is still in charge!!! Amen!

During the summer before my Junior year in high school, I attended church camp in Hodges, Alabama. While at camp, God called me to preach. Along with one of my friends, I surrendered to His will. For a little bit I was excited and on fire about this calling on my life. In time, though, I ran from the call. I decided to do things MY way instead of God's.

God sure can get your attention, can't He? A few months ago, I "re-surrendered" my life to His call and made it publicly known that the Lord has called me to preach. I have a heart for youth; for the past six years I have been active in my church youth groups, and I have loved every minute of it! So, I decided to pack my bags and leave my family and girlfriend behind in Washington State and move to Laurel, Mississippi. I am attending SouthEastern Baptist College here in Laurel and majoring in Ministry.

Currently, I am seeking God's will in finding a church in need of a youth minister. I work at WalMart, but I want to "dive" into God's will for my life. . . ministering to youth on a full-time basis. I would really appreciate your prayers in this matter, as well!

Which brings us to the end. . . . For now, any way. I am excited about the next door God is going to open! He has given me a fire and a passion to work with youth and minister to their needs. Keep an eye out on the "updates" section of my website to find out what happens next! God bless you INDEED!!