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A Small house in Ecru

Friday The 13th.. what a night for an investigation.

The home was built in the 1930's,and was the center of more than a few tragedies..

1 person died in the home, there was a murder connected with the home, and a car slamming into the side of the home took another life..

I am still learning the home's history..

there WILL be much more to come ..

The Spirit (s) are particularly active in this home, somewhat playful, and a bit annoying to the tenants.

When taking a shower, the water knobs will turn on their own either scalding or freezing the occupants...

When trying to sleep a loud banging is heard in the walls, and the light switches seem to have a mind of their own.

Attending this investigation: Jeff, Lando, April & Daniel

a small unimposing home in the country

This house seemed to draw tragedy, the way a magnet attracts iron.


Upon arriving (approx. 8:30 pm), Our resident sensitive noted, "Immediately had feelings from the picture of the male occupant's mother. Only after Lando and I questioned him about the pictures did we find out that his mother was deceased."

while the house had a rather normal electro magnetic field reading (approx. 1.5 mg), the picture constantly read between 4 and 5 mg...


This tree was the location of a suicide.

I witnessed what I believed to be a weird streak of light than moved from the tree to the carport area.

I began snapping pictures.. even though it looks like a reflection of some sort, I could not find a source for the reflection, even on a return visit .(2/18/04)

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