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Digital Cameras and Infra-red light (an experiment)

Many popular paranormal researchers have stated that digital cameras aren't good for ghost hunting. I disagree.

and here is why.

it is true that digital picks up more dust and false positive orbs. There is a reason for that.

The placement of the flash. The flash is so close to the lense that it causes reflection on most nighttime shots. The digital camera also picks up more dust motes due to this.

But that can be remedied.

by placing a short tube (3") over the lens, you can eliminate most of these problems.

Now the positive.. and it is a big positive.

Most digital cameras can pick up infrared light.. that's right,what we cannot see, they can.

true.. and here is an experiment to prove it.

Remote control

Just take an ordinary remote control and press on the buttons.. when you look into it you see nothing. the beam it sends is invisible.

Remote two

now take a picture with your digital camera..

see the white dot?

it is invisible to the naked eye, but not to the digital camera. Conventional 35mm cameras do not pick up the IR light either.

Technically, it is "near infra-red" and not true infra-red.. but it still picks up what we cannot see.