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Private Home

Sometimes people do not want others to know they have a ghost.

In most cases, people who do have a spirit in the home, get to like the spirit and do not want it disturbed.. sometimes they are afraid that once disturbed, the spirit might return to it's former "noisy" ways..

Mostly, people do not want publicity.. it's their home, and their ghost.

We respect that.

I wish I could tell you the wonderful background of this home we had a short visit to, or the names of the owners. suffice it to say that it is likely the most haunted site I ever experienced.

My wife and I went to speak to the home owners, who were against any kind of investigation, or publicity.

They proved to be some of the nicest people we ever met and they gave us a 30 minute tour (with our equipment.. we ALWAYS have our gear with us) and allowed us to take some readings and shoot some pictures...

during the average investigation, you might get one or two anomalous photographs for every 50 shot.

I shot 10 pictures.. I have 9 anomalies.

The EMF meter would go from normal (.02mg) to 10mg in a matter of seconds.

I experienced a cold spot with 30 degree temperature drop.

The spirits here are friendly.. there are children laughing, and two old ladies bickering.. you can hear them if you hang around a while.

a lot of people have.

I wont say what town this is in, nor the age of the home.. suffice it to say that it is a very old and well kept home..and I envy the owners of this wonderful place.

The Basement

Used for storage.. by putting these pics up no one will be able to identify the home, but you will have some idea of the activity, mid-afternoon..

ever see an orb with a shadow?

look to the lower left of the orb itself..

look.. it glows

The emf meter wouldn't stop changing..

an orb in motion.. surrounded by a glowing sphere..

we never once felt "threatened" or "frightened".. it's almost as if we were welcome here..

the spirits were checking us out..


Fleur stood in the doorway taking EMF readings, just past her you can see what appears to be a discoloration on the wall..

look closer.. the discoloration is in front of the broomstick that is leaning against the wall..

We hope someday to be invited back for a full investigation of this site..

I wish I could show you more, and tell you some of this home's history..

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