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last update: December 1, 2004 




Mission Statement

Our aim is to educate ourselves by sharing thoughts and life experience with others who have MS.


We  would like to share our experiences with MS to make this road easier for others to travel.  We would do this  with a combination of personal and professional input.  There is more to MS than just a diagnosis. There is quality to life for people with MS; we have to make the most of each and every day.

Knowledge is Power.



This site is a 'Work In Progress'.  We will be adding and updating as much information as we can and hopefully, on a timely basis.  If you have anything you would like to see added or something we can research to be added to the page please contact us at



Meetings Planned at Durham College

 Oshawa Ontario

We would like to share some of the information that we have gathered so we have decided to create discussion sessions. We hope that these sessions prove informative and helpful in an attempt to enrich your knowledge. Times are between 7:30pm until 9:30pm.  Refreshments will be served.  Please plan on attending. 

We are doing out best to schedule another discussion evening in January.  So keep watching for further dates.


Past Discussion Topics


Thursday June 3, 2004  Naturopath Janelle Cook, from Better Health,  will be joining us this evening to discuss the skills of a Naturopath and how, maybe you, can benefit from their knowledge. Just click here for more information.

Thursday April 22, 2004  CANCELLED  Due to an unfortunate scheduling problem are discussion evening has been cancelled.  But please mark us down for June 3rd, 2004.  Hope to see you then!

Thursday March 11, 2004  It's TAX TIME !!!!  Revenue Canada will be sending us a someone (yet to be named)  who will discuss your 2004 TAX RETURN.  They will provide information on disability deductions and more.  We have a change of venue this evening.  Our discussion group will gather at the Durham MS office.  Just click here for more information.

Thursday January 29, 2004  The distinguished Dr. Liesly Lee , MS Clinic Sunnybrook/Women's Hospital of Toronto, Ontario will be here to discuss MS.  ~ why we get MS, what are the various treatments, how are the studies doing, etc.  There will also be a question and answer period.  Just click here for more information





We are currently working on a new addition to our page.  On a monthly basis (or more), we will be introducing you to others in the neighborhood who have MS.  In their own words, they will tell us of their trials and tribulations and what MS means to them.  And how they've learned to live with this disease.

The following is our contributions:

My name is Liz-Anne. I am a 50 year old wife and mother who was diagnosed with MS 4 years ago next week. It is a funny thing how many of us remember our date of diagnosis. It is a date that changed 'our' world forever.

 When I was diagnosed I was told I had primary progressive MS. First of all, I had no idea what MS was and that it was even a possibility!! more

Hi my name is Patricia and I am an MS patient living in the Durham Region.

 I was born and raised in the United Kingdom. MS does not run in my family. I lived and worked in the Midlands until I moved to Canada in 1980.

Until I moved to Canada in 1980 I more

My name is Ann and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996.  I  I truly believe that you live two lives when you live with “chronic” illness….life BEFORE MS and life AFTER MS. Life BEFORE  MS was good.  I took care of my general health and lived a very healthy lifestyle.

Life after this has more



Would you like to tell us your story?  If so, send us the information, along with a colour picture of your choice to:   We will endeavour to remove all personal information ie. last name, city.




Make sure you take a good look at the Links as they are ever changing.  You never know where they will lead you and we're always adding new places to visit.

If you have any new ones you'd like added, be sure and email us at .



These links will be updated regularly.  Keep watching !

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Click on Icon to get your copy




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We would like to thank Paul Jones for allowing us to link to his extensive MS information web site and to Durham College for providing the room for our discussion group meetings.




You can email us at .  We cannot answer personal health questions - those you should discuss with your doctor - but we are very interested in what you have to say.   More information on MS is available through your local MS Society.  Check the above link to find a chapter in your area.



This site has been created by 3 women living in the Durham Region, all with varying degrees of MS. We are expressing our own opinions. We derive no profit from these pages, nor do we intend to. We are not selling any treatments nor do we have any financial interest in any companies selling medical products.



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