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Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit my page.
My name is "Kim" and Im a 40 year old widow of 3 boys.
I was married to a wonderful man for 13 yrs. He passed away
in May of '99 with liver cancer. It's been very difficult and lonely for us all, but I was blessed with a great marriage (something some people never experience) and three incredible kids. I also believe things happen for a reason...and that somehow something good will come of this.

My sons are 9, 10 and 12. Named Trey, Drew and Garrett respectively. All blonde haired, blue-eyed and ALL boy!
They do well in school, as well as sports, and are generally very good boys. They are my world, they are a part of my "package" and as long as they are with me, they will always come first.

Im an RN, working part-time at a privately owned surgical center here in Mississippi. Ive wanted to be in medicine since I was 4 years old, and I cant even imagine doing anything else!

Ok...likes and dislikes.... I dont like liars, cheaters or fake people. I dont understand selfishness or people who lack compassion.
I HATE spiders!!! I cant stand being in tight spaces (claustrophobia, ya know). I dont really like cleaning house...but I'll do it. I have no tolerance for people that are "takers". I hate using hair gel and would prefer NOT to wear makeup! Not fond of long hair or facial hair on men (I think thats cuz dad was military). I love to read....dont really have a particular preference as to WHAT the subject is, or WHO the author is. If the book grabs me....I read it. I like good movies. I LOVE music! ...especially adult alternative, rock, blues, country, and some classical. I like most sports...and if one of my boys are playing....well.....Im sure you've seen those mom's on the sidelines hollering so loud that by the end of the season they have no voice!?? That'd be me! :) I love FSU football, even though this year they've really disappointed me. :( Ive even secretly become an LSU and Saints fan, but I wont admit that to some folks! I love to fish!! Love anything to do with the water actually. Id live on a beach/lake/river if I could! Favorite colors are blue, emerald green and pink. Favorite flowers are wildflowers, daisies, and Virginia roses. I love the smell of ocean air, fresh cut grass, cookies baking, coffee brewing, and a clean man! mmmmm! :) I love fine dining and nice getaways as well as picnics and hangin out at the house! I love candlelight and bubble baths...preferably in a HUGE jacuzzi! I love cuddling under a blanket in front of the fireplace...or taking that blanket outside and cuddling under a sky full of stars. (Ever notice how BRIGHT the stars are in winter!?) I love to cuddle when I sleep too. lol I enjoy cooking......especially baking, and I make a chocolate fudge sour cream pound cake that'll make your tongue slap your brains out!!!! I love being a woman! I love looking and acting feminine. I love smelling good and feeling soft. By that same token.....I am for the most part NOT a foo-foo kinda girl! I like denim and flannel just as much as I like silk and lace. I guess Im just a grown up tomboy that was taught to be a lady, and enjoys being treated like one. I love the wind in my hair, dancing in the rain, laughter, animals, adrenalin rushes!, fast cars(especially if Im drivin) passionate kisses, holding hands, being held, being in love....and being loved. Im impulsive, stubborn, independent, tenacious, outgoing, fiesty, kind, intelligent, funny, loving, warm, gentle, forgiving, forgetful, faithful, dependable, caring, positive, aggressive, non-judgemental, assertive, sensual, romantic, spontaneous, competitive, energetic, uninhibited, and very, very passionate.

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