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MATH 117 - 03 College Algebra

SEMESTER: Fall 2007

MEETING TIMES: TTH 10:50 am – 12:05 pm



OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment

PREREQUISITES: Placement Test or grade of C- or better in Math 116

TEXT: College Algebra, 3rd ed, ISBN: 0-321-46607-5, by Beecher et al, Addison Wesley, 2007

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course assumes that the student is familiar with the fundamentals of algebraic concepts, expressions, equation and inequalities. Topics include functions and their graphs; polynomial and rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; analytic geometry; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; and sequences and series. OBJECTIVES OF THIS COURSE: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: demonstrate the understanding of some of the fundamental concepts of algebra including functions, graphs, polynomials, and matrices; perform basic operations on functions and graph various functions; solve systems of linear and nonlinear equations; perform operations with matrices and use matrices to solve linear systems of equations; solve problems involving sequences and series, and solve application problems.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students are expected to attend (on time) and participate in all classes, do all homework problems, read sections before and after class meeting in which sections were discussed, do the exercises at the end of each chapter for proficiency, and take all quizzes and tests on time. In case of emergency or illness, the instructor must be informed without delay. In general, there will be no re-tests or make-up tests. No early tests or early final will be given. A make-up test will be allowed only at the discretion of the instructor. Please email me ASAP when you miss or anticipate missing a class.

GRADING POLICY: There will be quizzes, five tests, and a final comprehensive exam. Quizzes will not always be announced, some will be open book and some will be “take home” and will only be accepted at the beginning of the next class. NO make up quizzes. If you are absent and have contacted me by email or phone on or before the day of the absence, with a valid reason, I will excuse the quiz (it will neither help nor hurt your grade). If a student is absent on a test day, that student will not be allowed to makeup that test unless the instructor has been contacted prior to the time of the test and a serious illness or grave unavoidable circumstance is explained. The exam will be taken before the next class meeting. This exception can only be made once during the semester. The Final Exam must be taken on the scheduled date and time. Cheating of any form will result in a ZERO for the quiz, exam, etc., involved and possibly for the course.

90-100% A, A- ; 80-89% B+, B, B-; 70–79% C+, C, C-;60-69% D+, D, D- ;below 60 Failing

WITHDRAWAL: A grade of “W” will be issued only if you initiate and complete the course withdrawal process by the final date (Nov 9th) for such withdrawal. Failure to attend classes will result in a grade of “F” if you do not complete the withdrawal process.

INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: A typical class session will include the introduction of new content by lecture with solution and discussion of illustrative examples; class participation; discussion of previously assigned homework problems. Students are expected to complete all homework problems.

HELP: PLEASE contact me immediately if you need help. I will check my email every day. I might be able to answer your questions that way…or I would be glad to set up an appointment outside of class. It is extremely important that you do your homework every day and not get behind. I will be glad to do whatever I can to help you be successful.

ADVISING AND LEARNING CENTER: Located in Gander 101. Tutoring is available at this center several times a week. Some is provided as walk-in and then also specific times can be scheduled (314-529-9228).

HOMEWORK: Homework problems will be assigned every day at the end of class. Homework is intended as a learning tool. If you do not practice, ask questions, and then correct your work, you cannot possibly be successful. I will not collect every day but will check it periodically by quizzing or during the tests.

CALCULATOR USAGE: A scientific calculator is allowed but no graphing calculators.

CELL PHONES/PAGERS/PDAS: These must be turned off during class time.

Fall 2007 Schedule for Math 117(updated 12/03/07)

Tu 8/28 Review,1.1,1.2

Th 8/30 1.3,1.4

Tu 9/04 1.5,1.6

Th 9/06 Review

Tu 9/11 Test 1

Th 9/13 2.1,2.2

Tu 9/18 2.3,2.4

Th 9/20 2.5,2.6

Tu 9/25 Review

Th 9/27 Test 2

Tu 10/2 3.1,3.2

Th 10/4 3.3,3.4

Tu 10/9 3.5,3.6

Th 10/11 Review

Tu 10/16 Test 3

Th 10/18 4.1,4.2

Tu 10/23 4.3,4.4

Th 10/25 4.5,4.6

Tu 10/30 Review

Th 11/1 Test 4

Tu 11/6 5.1,5.2

Th 11/8 5.3,5.4


Tu 11/13 5.5

Th 11/15 5.6

Tu 11/27 Review

Th 11/29 Test 5

Tu 12/4 Review for final

Th 12/6 Review for final

Tu 12/11 Comprehensive Final, day one

Th 12/13 Comprehensive Final, day two



HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT(UPDATED 12/03/07)("eoo" means every other odd AND X3 means multiples of 3):

8/28 1.1(1-57 eoo,71,73,75,79,83,87);1.2(1-61 eoo, 63,65,67,73,75)

8/30 1.3(1-57 eoo);1.4(1-61 eoo,75,77)

9/04 1.5(1-27 eoo); 1.6(1-53 eoo,61,67,71,75,79)

9/06 Ch 1 Review p 169(1-7,9,11-15,17-23 odd,24,25-39 odd,42-45,47-49,51,61-69 odd,95,96)

9/11 Test on Review and Chapter 1; NB and HW check

9/13 2.1 (13-23 odd,29,31,37,39,41,51,54,55,63-103 eoo); 2.2(1-83 eoo)

9/18 2.3 (1-101 eoo, 103-109 odd); 2.4(1-13 eoo, 17-24 all, 27-49 eoo)

9/20 2.5 (1 - 101 eoo); 2.6 ( 1- 61 eoo)

9/25 Ch 2 Review p 248 (1-73 odd)

9/27 Ch 2 Test; Notes and HW check

10/02 3.1(1-9 odd,11-22 all,23-55 odd; 3.2 (1-12 all, 13,17,21,25,29,31)

10/04 3.3 (1,9,11-47 eoo);3.4 (1,5,9,15-55 eoo,61,69,71,73,77)

10/09 3.5(1-4,7-19 odd,27,29,33,35,47,57,67);3.6(1-13 odd,15-59 eoo)

10/11 Chapter 3 Review(1-77 odds)

10/16 Chapter 3 Test; Notes and HW check

10/18 4.1(1-13 eoo,25-32 all, 45-57 eoo, 67-81 odd); 4.2(1,5-10,11-43 eoo,55,57,63,65)

10/23 4.3(9-49 odd,55-887 eoo,92,96);4.4(1-73 eoo)

10/25 4.5(1-57 eoo);4.6(1,7,11ace,15,17)

10/30 Review p 426 (1-6,9-29 eoo,31-36,37-83 eoo, 89-91)

11/01 Chapter 4 test; Notes and HW check

11/06 5.1(1-6,9-41 eoo,47):5.2(1,5,7,13,27,31)

11/08 5.3(1-13 odd,15-39 eoo,skip 35),5.4(1-13 odd)

11/13 5.4(15-27 odd);5.5(1,3,5,11,21,25,27,29,35,39,41)

11/15 5.6(1-21 eoo, 27-39 eoo)

11/19 - 11/25: Thanksgiving vacation

11/27 Chapter 5 Review p 520 (1-8, 13 - 19 odd, 20,21-23,26-29,31-34,40,41,44,45,47-53 odd)

11/29 Test on Chapter 5; N and HW check

12/04 Review for final

12/06 Review for final

12/11 Comprehensive Final, day one

12/13 Comprehensive Final, day two

NOTE: In each section, the synthesis and review HELPFUL WEBSITE FOR TUTORIAL ASSISTANCE

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Also, you can search on Yahoo and/or google and type in elementary algebra and find several sites for extra help.