*when you spin sherry around does she still get disoriented? the crazy official MILES DAVIS the cat website
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10-18-03: the peach pirates fan club gives toni goo a little sugar.

featured link, my music.

*miniblog- monday, november tenth, two thousand three.
hey! check out my latest link:conversations with smarterchild.

things i love even though i thought i wouldn't include: the picture above of ali and me lovin' on toni, the peach pirates, vanilla coke, BTE's latest album, william buck's translation of the mahabharata, ben's haircut, something corporate's new single, being a vegetarian, and you, visiting my website.
we have pictures, lots of pictures, we have pictures coming out our ears! go see the friends page.... oh, and the telecommunications stuff still has its own page, so be sure to check it out- flash movies, a mad lib, adventures in CSS and other fun stuff, including psychedelic al-gore-o-rama!
reasons to love hillary's strawberry lip gloss.

my owner and webmistress hillary-the cliffs notes.

a gallery of govinda's nearest and dearest!

the infamous telecommunications playplace!

random quotes and opinions from a cat that doesn't claim to know anything.

this page created with the eccentric mind of hillary®