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Please Help Us!

My name is Brandi and my fiance's name is Steven. We are a fairly young couple. I'm 31 and he's 38. We've been through a rough engagement. Steven had a heart attack at age 36. I have insulin dependent diabetes. We work for the same company and between us we pay $450 a month for health insurance. The co-pay for my insulin is $40 and for each of his five heart medications, it's $35 each. This is quite a financial burden. On top of this, we have medical bills totaling nearly $1000 from hospitalizations due to our illnesses. Steven has two children from a previous marriage and thanks to a really screwed up system in the state of Mississippi, he pays $345 in child support and pays her ENTIRE house note of $265 each month. His ex-wife has the same level of education that he does but for some reason the state feels it is fine for her to work as a teacher's aide instead of at a job within her college major. He pays regularly but it leaves no money to pay bills or pay for extra things. We want to get married at the end of the month and the license and ceremony will cost $150.

I read a story once about a woman who ran up a large debt with credit cards. She appealed to the nice people who surf the web for money and paid off her credit cards. The problems we have right now are not due to anything we've done. He didn't ask for a heart attack and I didn't ask to get diabetes. Steven and I own an 11 year old car we do not own a house. We rent. We are trying to raise $1500 to afford the medical bills and pay for the marriage license and ceremony. I'm hoping someone will contact me and offer something, be it words of encouragement, or a place I might apply for a loan, or even to volunteer a single dollar to help us out.

I've included a ling to Paypal. My account name is

At this point, we are desperate. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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My Paypal account!

