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Ever played Final Fantasy? Well here's just one of my favorite guys from the series. Vivi Ornitier. Wanna' know more? You better

Name: Vivi Ornitier

Age: 9

Occupation: Mage

Abilities: Uses all types of black magic

Background: It's a heart rencher, folks. If you don't have an at least semi-soft spot for Vivi after playing the first 10 minutes of Final Fantasy 9, better check for a pulse. In the beginning of the game, Vivi arrives in the city of Alexandria where he adventully meets up with the games main character, Zidane Tribal. The first two disks mainly focus on Vivi. It isn't long into the game that you discover that a group of evil Black Mages are reaping havoc. Vivi finds that he is the only black mage not under control. Well, to make a very long story short; The group discovers that Vivi is the prototype for all the black mages. They were made out of Mist, the stuff that has always covered the continent. Queen Brahne ordered the mages made as an army. Vivi was the first but he exscaped with no memories of his past and not knowing where he came from. That was along time ago and know that he's nine, every question that he ever had is being answered, whether he wants to here them or not. There is the constant idea brought up the Vivi was just a puppet to use for evil but he wouldn't except that. Coming to terms with being made, Vivi decides to stick with Zidane and the others to help save the world.

Pictures(the two best)