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This is Sailor Earth(owner of Stormy and Mewtwo's pokémon page) and Setsuna's(owner of Setsuna's Site of Sailor, ect.) Shrine to Tuxedo Mask. To get it strait, this shrine was created by Sailor Earth(that's my name in SM terms). Okay, on with the shrine.

The cape, the mask, the roses. Tuxedo Mask, in every aspect, really is the tall dark mystery man of anime. Or aleast of Sailor Moon. The Prince who always saves the Princess then disappears.


Name: Tuxedo Mask

Real name: Darian Shields (in Japan-Mamoru Chiba)

Begining age: 18

Ending age: 20

Height: 6'2"

Birthday: August 7th

First TV appearance: 1st episode of Sailor Moon.

Famous Quote: (umm... so many to choose from) "I've never really known who I am or where I come from."


All other pictures are in the Moon Kingdom Gallery on Stormy and Mewtwo's page.

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