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Name: Ash Katchem (Satoshi)
-age: 10(mentioned in show but is probably 11 now.)
-hometown: Pallet
-Pokémon: Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Pidgeot, Muk, Kingler, lots of Tauros, Lapras, Snorlax. (Givin' away):Primape, Butterfree.
-best friends: His Pokemon, Misty, Brock
-family: mom
-interesting physical aspect: Ash has this hat that he won in a pokemon contest that seems VERY important to him.
-theme song: You can do it(if you really try)
-quote: "I will become the greatest Pokémon master...... of all time!"
-Background: At the age of ten, Ash Katchem, an ambishous yet foolish boy from Pallet town set out on his Pokémon journey with a powerful and disobedent Pikachu. Ash had only glory on his mind and soon found training much harder than he'd thought. Ash runs into his friends Misty and Brock who help Ash threw alot of trials. Pikachu, his noe ever-faithful pokémon, is always at his side.


Name: Misty (Kasumi)
-age: 10
-hometown: Cerulean City
-Pokémon: Staryu, Starmie, Psyduck, Togipii, Horsea, Goldeen, Poliwag
-best friends: Her pokemon, Ash, Brock
-family: 3 sisters
-interesting physical aspect: Someone should tell her that her shirt and shorts are too short! And that wierd ponytail looks dumb.
-theme song: Misty's Song(original name...)
-quote: "We just want you to win, Ash." "Are you ready to rumble?!"
-Background: Misty left her home at the Cerulean City gym due to her overbaring sisters. While fishing one day by a river she's suddenly run over by a young trainer on his first day of the job. He quickly asked to borrow her bike and without waiting for an answer sped away with a flock of Spearows in hot persute. She tailed him all the way to Viridian City. Afterwards Misty began following Ash around holding him responsible for her bike's damages.


Name: Brock (Takeshi)
-age: 12
-hometown: Pewter City
-Pokémon: Geodude, Onix, Vulpix, Zubat
-best friends: His pokemon, Ash, Misty
-family: dad, 10 little brothers and sisters
-interesting physical aspect: so, like does Brock have eyes?
-theme song: ?
-quote: "I don't really care about training pokémon, I just want to be the world's best pokémon breeder." "Wow.... she's so beautiful...."
-Background: Brock is the leader of the Pewter City gym. It all started with what seemed like a normal gym battle that would change his life. Brock was confronted by a confident trainer from Pallet who would unfortunatly lose to Brock in their first battle. In their second battle, however, Ash's Pikachu toasted Geodude but Brock still had Onix. As a result to Pikachu's thunder, the sprikler system was actived and Pikachu won the match. Ash, being a nice guy, wouldn't except a badge due to a tecnicality. Brock could see that Ash was a good trainer and gave him the badge any way. Brock then joined the group and it would be just the three of them for along time.
-Interesting fact: Brock has 10 little brothers and sisters who he had to take care of which makes him a great cook and house cleaner. He's also totally girl crazy...


Name: Mewtwo
Go to the Mewtwo Shrine.


Name: Jesse (Musashi)
-age: 17
-hometown: ?
-Pokémon: Arbok, Lickitung
-best friends: James, Meowth
-family: mom
-interesting physical aspect: How does her hair stay like that?
-theme song: Double trouble
-quote: "With that kind of money I could shop till I drop."
-Background: I know little or nothing about Jesse's background only that she had a lower class family. Yep, that's it.


Name: James (Kojiro)
-age: 17(I don't really think that's right. James is probably 18.)
-hometown: I have no clue but his parents' property is big enough for state-hood.
-pokémon: Weezing, Victribell, Growly(growlith)
-best friends: Jesse, Meowth
-family: mom, dad
-interesting physical aspect: Well, everone sez that he has wierd hair...?
-theme song: Double trouble
-quote: Ash: "Don't you guys ever give up?" James: "Of corse not. We're the bad guys."
-Background: I know a tad bit more about James than Jesse 'cause there was a show dedicated to him. James' parents were really rich and wanted their son to be perfect in every way so when he was only 10 or so they arranged a marrage between him and some reject from 'Gone with the Wind' named Jessebell. Okay, so James ran away, can ya blame him? He hooked up with a bike gang, met Jesse, and then joined Team Rocket.


Name: Meowth (Nyase)
-age: ?
-hometown: good question but according to the show, he did spend time in Hollywood.
-best friends: James, Jesse
-family: ?
-interesting physical aspect: big mouth
-theme song: That stupid song from 'Go West Young Meowth'
-quote: "Will you two knock it off and start swipping all the Pokemon?!?!"
Background: Meowth was an orphan, or stray, from the beginning. He learned how to talk like a human in Hollywood and joined a gang of stray Meowths lead by a Persian. After bein' rejected by a girl Meowth he really liked, Meowth joined Team Rocket hoping to become rich and powerful. He was Giovanni's fav. Pokemon until a Persain took his spot. Now all Meowth want's is to be his boss's top cat again and make money while he's at it.


Name: Giovanni (japanese name?)
-age: ?
-hometown: ?
-Pokémon: Golem, Kingler, Machamp, Closter, Persian
-family: ?
-interesting physical aspect: You don't see this guy's face untill Ash gets his Earth badge.
-quote: "I see you as a valuable partner. With you're power and my resources, we could rule the world." "A wild fire destroys everything in it's path. It wil be the same with your powers if you don't learn how to control them."
-Background: Now here's a challenge! What do I know about this guy? Um, okay, let's see... Well, Giovanni's the boss of Team Rocket and the former leader of the former Viridian City gym. He's flat out evil and has a bad history with Mewtwo. Giovanni was the soul funder of the cloning project that created Mewtwo, he lived to regret it.