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Danny King for Superintendent

Last Update May 12th

To the citizens of Covington County,

I, Danny King, want to become your next Superintendent of Education for one reason.
Covington County schools need experience, leadership, and vision to become the best schools they can possibly be. I will strive for nothing less than the best students, teachers, faculty, and community involvement of any school district in Mississippi.
Take time to look over this website, especially the Issues and School Reports sections, and I am sure you will see that our students, teachers, and community deserve better than the current administration provides. If you elect me on November 4th to be your Superintendent, I'll help you build a school system we'll all be proud of.

With your help Covington County can put "Kids First."

Danny King

Contact Information

Danny King
412 Knight Oak Grove Road
Mt. Olive, MS 39139
Home Phone - 601-797-4236


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Visitors since March 13, 2003

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