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Computer Lab Assignment 



Multiple Intelligence WebQuest


Have you ever noticed that you are better at doing some things than others? You might be good at sports, or maybe you sing a little. We are all smart in different ways because we have different brains.


In this WebQuest you will study the Multiple Intelligences Theory, discover your own multiple intelligences, and visit websites that target your best intelligences and evaluate them.




Section I - Learn About The Theory


Visit the following websites to learn about Multiple Intelligences:



Multiple Intelligences Theory




MI Mind Map




Read through both Multiple Intelligence Inventories listed below.




MI Inventory







Choose one and print it. You may print one inventory only from the computer lab! Take the test yourself. Write down the intelligence that is your strength. If you have two strengths, write them both down.


The following inventory is an online inventory. Compare the results of this one to the previous one you chose.




Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment



Go to The Multiple Intelligences

to find out more information about your strong intelligence.


Create a document in Word and name it My MI.



List 5 things people with YOUR intelligence are good at.




List 3 careers people with your intelligence might have one day.




Go to Walter McKenzie's Multiple Intelligences Pages.


Click on the link that says "Immersion". Here you will find links to websites which should be of interest to individuals who excel in each intelligence. Visit a minimum of two sites under one of your strengths.



Section 2 - Evaluate The Theory




Copy and paste the following questions into your Word document and answer them.



Does your Intelligence Type describe you?


Are you good at the things the theory predicts you should be good at?


Have you considered any of the careers the theory considers appropriate for a person with your strengths?


Explain why you did or did not enjoy the websites considered appropriate for a person with your strengths.





Read about the other intelligences. Copy and paste the following questions into your Word document and answer them.



Which one do you think is LEAST like you?




Do you think you know someone for whom this intelligence is his or her strength?


If yes, describe that person and explain why you think he or she is smart in this way.


If no, choose a person you know whose strength is any intelligence other than your own and explain why you think he or she is smart in this way.



Print your document and hand it in, making sure your name is on it.




Section 3 - Apply The Theory


Explore some websites relating multiple intelligence theory to preschool education. Create a new Word document named MI Classroom Activities and describe at least five activities for each intelligence. You may include activities you read about at these websites. You may also include activities we provided in Little Viking Playschool this year.



Early Childhood - educational preschool and kindergarten teaching activities


FuseAction=Article&A=251&CFID=1560038&CFTOKEN=54174833 Articles




Print your document and hand it in, making sure your name is on it.