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Karin's 2010 BP MS150 Houston to Austin Home Page

Thank you for visiting my fourth journal which will chronicle my seventh BP MS150 Bike Ride from Houston to Austin Texas. I apologize for not updating this website since 2006, but a lot has happened, so I will incorporate the pictures from 2007 through 2009 with this year's journal.

I also wanted to apologize for the error on the email address to contact me. If your card had, it should have stated

My history with multiple sclerosis goes back over 51 years. In March 1959 I was diagnosed as having encephalitis. The blessing of not knowing it was really MS was that there were no disease modifying therapies back then, nor any treatment for MS. I was officially diagnosed in 1992 and have been active in support/self-help groups since then. In 2001 I started getting involved in the MS Walks, and then in 2004 the BPMS150, for which I am truly grateful. Over the course of the last seven years I've been blessed to have met so many wonderful riders and volunteers and can only state that there aren't enough words to express my gratitude to each and everyone of them. I also wanted to share several links to the stories and pictures on my previous experiences during the bike rides, which are located on the bottom left side of this site. Some of the pictures were sent to be by my pedal partners. I've also included links to other MS areas that may interest you.

Last year at this time I had just arrived home from a visit with my son and his family in Pennsylvania to the flood that was to halt the bike tour on Day 1. The MS150 did ride on Sunday and we were there at the finish line in the Bubble Bistro to cheer you on.

Start of the 2010 BPMS150: My daughter and I were up at the Omni on Friday, April 16th although for a while we weren't sure we would make it this year. I had been in the hospital in January, and then in February, Heidi and my minivan were involved in a motor vehicle accident. The van was totalled and Heidi sustained minor injuries to her right foot/ankle. We were able to find another van and get the lift installed so that we could transport my power chair, and while Heidi is still in her aircast, she was able to bring me to the Omni and will be driving me to Austin so that I can once again cheer you on. While I hope to make it to Austin next year, this may be the last trip there for me, so I intend to make the best of it and greet as many of you at the finish line as I can. Even if I can no longer make it to Austin I am going to try to continue volunteering at the Omni.

To start with, I have been and am blessed with many pedal partners. Some have been my pedal partner for several years and others I just met at the Omni on 4/16/10. I am thankful to you all and enjoy when we do get to meet. We got to visit with Ken, who comes in from Canada, his wife Debbie and friend Bill. We also found that we had just missed Victor, who travelled from Columbia to ride for a cure.

This year after volunteering at the Pedal Partner areas at the EXPO on Friday, April 16 we will travel to Austin to cheer you on from the finish line. We will be at the Bubble Bistro, where Karin can stay cool and hopefully get to meet you.


We are waiting on the emails, snail mail from my pedal partners so that we can share the ride stories.


To be updated after ride.

I hope you enjoyed my story. Heidi is waiting for the arrival of some pictures from my pedal partners, so please continue to check in by clicking the link for Karin's MS150 pictures.

Please come back and visit again!

My Favorite Web Sites

Karin's 2006 MS150 story
Karin's 2006 MS150 pictures
Karin's 2005 MS150 story
Karin's 2005 MS150 pictures
Karin's 2004 MS150 story
Karin's 2004 MS150 pictures
Official MS150 Website
Lone Star Chapter National MS Society
Rebif (Serono & Pfizer)
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