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Sargent's Halloween Parties

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Halloween 1999




The party of 2001 was another success! The backyard and race shop were packed with a couple hundred party people all having a good time at the two full bars and dancing to the live band and dj music. For the first time in 8 years the cops showed up about halfway into the party to shut the band down, but they were cool cops if you can beleive that, and let us continue with the dj until about 4 am. I mean what the hell was I thinking? you can't have a concert in your back yard. (it rocked while it lasted) Other than that it went off without a hitch, No fights, no violence, just alot of drunks falling on thier faces or into kiddie pools, and the gallons of puke in the street,and the passouts on the floors. See Ya Next Halloween!!!! Here are just a few pics of the super Halloween party of 2001.

Halloween 2002

Outlaw Races