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Garsh, it's Valentine's day.  Not that I usually have exceptional Valentine's days but this one is going to be exceptionally sucky.  I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed (because I'm wise).  I can't eat or drink anything for eight hours before the surgery.  I'm exceptionally thirsty right now, though.  So instead of actually swallowing the drink, I get to hold it in my mouth and spit it out.

Also, I finally visited a Sam's Club.  I had never been to one before now.  My first visit was exceptionally interesting.  I ventured into the restroom and I was looking around, trying to find the proper place to piss and I looked in one of the stalls and there was a guy sitting there with his pants around his ankles shitting.  He didn't even shut the door to take care of his business.  Maybe he was chlostraphobic.  Luckily, I didn't see anything exceptionally vulgar.  Eventually though, I finally found my proper place to piss.  Aside from guys shitting with the stall open, Sam's also has 20 lb. bags of chocolate chips.


Golly.  This morning I was downloading some mp3s on AudioGalaxy and one of the files was downloading at 76k and another at less than 1k.  I'm totally discombobulated.  Also, I have become very ill which sucks.


I'm in Web Design right now and I've just completed my second decent animation. Behold it.


I made an animation with my "exclusively for educational purposes only" version of Flash 5 that I stole from the school.

He's Henry
Clay Henry
He's a fireman
and a Jared fan from Subway
He got real big on burgers and fries
Now he's down to a smaller size...
He get's his might from his veggie delight
Great taste each day from his local Subway
He's Henry, Clay Henry


Today is my birthday.  I'm 16.  Yay.

Would you consider this to be kiddie porn?


Procrastination sucks.  Thursday, the guitar I wanted for my birthday was only $299.99.  My mother waited until today, and would have continued waiting probably until the night before my birthday to order it. Now the prices of the guitar and gold coverage on it have gone up.  The guitar is now $349.99 and gold coverage is $38.50.  What's worse is that she won't even agree to pay the difference of the before and after price.  And when she ordered it, she told the people two years of gold coverage and I only wanted one year.  And she won't pay for the extra year either.  So now I'm paying for everything, even the $70 she should have to pay.  All this because of procrastination.


I'm becoming rather uh....lazy on updating.  This site has become / is becoming another /  The colors are even same. Oh yeah don't sign the guestbook, it's lame.  I still haven't changed the Adobe page to match the main page.  Oh well I really don't care.  I don't care about this site too much either.

Everyone needs to call Sheila, the black lady.  Her number is 715-1834.  Chances are she won't answer so just leave a fucked up message on her answering machine.  She has never answered when I called her.  She's probably in her house dead and all decayed.


For today's update I have "prepared" for you an excerpt from the FAQ section of

"How do I open the bottles of Pepto-Bismol® regular and maximum strength liquid?"

"TO OPEN: Lightly squeeze both tabs located on each side of
the neck of the package and turn the cap at the SAME time.
TO CLOSE: Screw the cap back on (without squeezing the tabs)
until it clicks."

Like so:


I haven't posted much lately because I haven't found / experienced anything postworthy.  This site is probably going to become another never updated weblog in the tri-county area. My New Year's was alright.  It was cold too.


I Y you Jessica.


God damn.  Those suicide hotlines aren't very helpful.  A friend and I called one up and told them our friend was suicidal and we didn't know what to do (we didn't really have a suicidal friend at this time).  The guy (I don't think he mentioned his name but he sounded like a "Mike") told us to call 911 and get a welfare check.  He didn't even seem like he wanted to help us.  He said it all calm.  That guy doesn't need to work at a place like that.  He didn't even seem serious.


The bathroom rapist, as the media has dubbed him, is on the loose.  He's about 5'10", 165 lbs., and has dark skin complexion.  Officials speculate that he's a Michael Jackson - this guy hybrid.  Being a cross breed of Michael Jackson and Sloth must've been hard on 'the bathroom rapist' as a child.  I feel sorry for this guy.  All his life he's been picked on.  Raping little kids in bathrooms is all he knows.  How would you like it having Michael Jackson for a dad?  Having him touching you all the time.  I know I sure wouldn't like it.  If, for some strange reason, you would like to have your genitalia touched by Michael Jackson, then you are a sick fuck (wanting to be touched by Sloth is ok, though).  Unlike Sloth, 'the bathroom rapist's' facial characteristics are all in proportion.  But being the offspring of Michael Jackson and Sloth can take it's toll on you.

If you have any information on 'the bathroom rapist' or his whereabouts, please contact 1-800-788-5047.  Ask for Sue.


I'm watching Darkman.  This movie, needless to say, is badass.

"Now, the elephant if you please."


Some girl and I had an interesting conversation today.  Gee whiz.


Yesterday while I was eating at Golden Corral I couldn't help but to notice the large amount of black folks.  The ratio of blacks to whites was probably 7 to 1.  I also observed six gay black guys.  One of them was dressed like the principal at the school I attend.  A black Mr. Craven, can you imagine that?  I looked at them a lot during my meal.  It's not often that you see a group of six gay black men.


Support your country!  Buy some patriotic condoms today at Condomania.


I took the sections that I mentioned in my previous post down.  The colors in all of my linked pages still correspond to the colors of my old layout.


The new layout is finally up.  It's been ready for a while but I didn't want to show it to the class because the colors are different on the school's computers.  The background color whose rrggbb value is "#333333" is almost black on the school computers.  Since this site is no longer going to be for school related things I can change it up a bit.  I think the Abate, Family, Images, and Pets will be leaving shortly.  I got my license also.  It sucks being everyone's nigger.