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Getting Started
If I owned the World
Flash Instructions
Static Page

Home Getting Started If I owned the World Flash Instructions Static Page




This is the page template for Blue Nebula...

Replace this with your content.


  • Do not drag on table lines.
  • Do not attempt to modify the default.htm page. It holds Flash detection script.
  • Do not click on the Flash movies and try to edit them in FrontPage.

I made a new web, now what?

  1. If you only see text links instead of theme navigation buttons, you may need to apply the theme. Go to Format/Theme and choose the Inspiration theme and apply it with all boxes checked.
  2. Read through all the pages to learn about how to use this web template. You may wish to start at the Site Map. Other pages to note: how to create a new web.
  3. Look through the pages in this web template and decide which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to delete. Note that you can rename pages instead of deleting them. You may want to work out on paper your navigation structure and the different pages that you will have.
  4. Go through the process of adding/deleting pages and adding your content. Be sure to see the Flash Info page for instructions on editing your Flash movie text. Finally, publish your web!

Changing Layout

We have formatted the tables so that this page will look good and resize in Netscape and Internet Explorer. If you wish to change the layout, please follow these instructions.

About this page layout
This page has been very carefully formatted with different nesting tables so that it resizes both vertically and horizontally. Do not drag on any table lines - you may "freeze" the page so that it no longer resizes properly.

Adding other columns to the page
This main body text along with the right column of info boxes is inside of a nested table. You may click in here and go to Table > Split Cells to form more columns, or click within a cell, go to Table > Select > Cell to highlight the cell, and Delete the cell (Table > Delete Cells).

Flash movie text
Please see the "Flash Info" page for instructions on using the Flash movies and editing the text.

Miami, Florida 31 de Mayo y 1ro Junio:

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Celebracion Wesak en Miami, FL

coordina: Claudia 

305 770-2095
305 790-9452

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