Welcome to
Chartreuse Everlasting

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this is how cassi feels


This really stinks!! Something happened to my guestbook at alxnet and it's been down for two days. I finally got a new one. OK, I've gotta question for you all, should I just close this site and stick to my webjournal?? Or should I move my content over to there? Or should I keep both sites? Or what? I dunno, so throw some ideas out there at me. Take cane,

talkin: no one
yummy: nothing
dressin: blue jeans & pink shirt
polish: sparkle rose
hearin: something on the TV
lovin: i dunno??

You guys will be so proud of me! LOL I created my very own web journal! (link at the top) That's what I've been working on. I think it's really cute. It has dolls for the cast of characters! :) Now I made a main enter site, and from there you can come to either of my pages. (either here, Chartreuse Everlasting, or at my web journal, Semi Sour) Oh and, I know lots of people have been asking my who that is on my layout's Anna Faris! (not Shakira) Anna is in the movie The Hot Chick (out currently) and has been in Scary Movie 1 & 2. Currently she is off filming for Scary Movie 3.

talkin: no one
yummy: sparkling grape juice LOL
dressin: blue sport pants & white top
polish: blue glitter
spinnin: nothing
lovin: it's a new year!!

Wow! That's the last time I'll ever add the 02 on the end again! This year has flew by...and that's totally a good thing! I'm really looking forward to 2003!! I want to thank you for visiting my site! The last time I checked my hidden counter on this site I have already had 120 visiters in less than a week. I appreciate it sooo much! I've been working all day on a suprise for you all, but it's still not ready yet. I'll try to get it up either tomorrow, or maybe Thursday. I hope you all have lotsa fun sure to stay up late! :) lol Happy New Year!!

talkin: to Britnee on AIM
yummy: Luigi's Italian Ice Cherry
dressin: blue sweater/collared shirt & dark jeans
polish: blue glitter
spinnin: I'm OK by Christina Aguilera
lovin: it's almost 2003!

Hola! I added that little imood thingie. It's so cute! :) I also added a Poems section, under Menu. If ya wanna send in your own poem, I'll put it up and give ya credit for it!! Oh, and I aslo added a picture of all my friends as dolls. I'm so sleepy. I stayed up to 4 this morning playing that Sims game and talking to Britnee & Vicki. LOL I got up at 11:30. I picked up my kitty kat from the vet yesterday. She's doing a whole lot better. So I'm really happy! :) I'm still open for some link exchanges, so just tell me if ya wanna do one!

talkin: myself
yummy: nothin
dressin: pink glittery shirt & black jeans
polish: french manicure
spinnin: She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd
lovin: no school tomorrow! ha!


Hey guys!! I added a new subpage under 'me'. It's My Xmas gifts. I know I got way more than what I put up there, but oh well cuz I can't think of it right now. It's Saturday! I'm one happy chik! ;) I've got one more week off from school. Blah. You know what? I think just for the fun of it, like next Friday I'm gonna go ahead and change this layout. Man...this page is still new and I'm already tired of the layout! lol No, but I think I'm gonna make the writing area bigger. I'm gonna kinda turn this page into somewhere I can blog about my day. I'm really sad right now guys!! My little kitten, Panda, is at the Vet's office! She's really sick, and she had to stay overnight. I'm suppose to go pick her up today. I really hope she's alright. Poor little thing. :(
Happy New Year!

talkin: myself
yummy: mini m&m's
dressin: new stripe sweater & my fav jeans
polish: french manicure
spinnin: Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
lovin: that i can see Panda later


I can't believe Christmas is already gone!! Oh well, yesterday was pretty fun for me though. I got pretty much everything I wanted. I'm really excited about my new 8 Mile Soundtrack that I got. :*) I just got back from seeing Catch Me if You Can about an hour ago. It was pretty should go see it!! I added three new subpages. Two to reads: Adam talks to God, and The Gravy Ladle. I added a survey under my me section. I have a new link exchange too! Yay! Also, at the end of all my little entries I'm gonna add a little something. Check it out, it's below.

talkin: to vicki on IMs
yummy: nothin'
dressin: jammies with my bear feet house shoes
polish: none
spinnin: Wanksta by 50 Cent
lovin: that tomorrow's friday!!!2day


Hey! Welcome to Chartreuse Everlasting! I hope you enjoy it here! ;oP This site is just newly opened! I hope you all are having/had a Merry Christmas!!! Please look around this webpage, and please, sign the guestbook before you leave! I promise to return the favor to you! Since this site is still new it probably has a couple of glitches still. Please email me if you find any broken links. I'd love to do link exchanges, so please visit the link to "Links" above...that whole page explains about my link exchanges. I also feature site history, an all about me section, reads, quizzes, fun sites, and a whole lot of other cool stuff to do. It you have any suggestions, comments, or anything else, feel free to tell me in my guestbook. But if you're gonna hate on my site, leave your email address & website address to, so I can see if you're any better than me. LOL Yeah okay. I'm trying to feel up space here for my layout, trust me, my next update won't be this long, so don't freak out! lol Be sure to book mark me and come back soon!!

Merry Christmas,

please read my disclaimer
Me ‡ math

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