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The House of the Blue Nile

A Non-Wiccan Egyptian Group


Loosely based upon the Isian Tradition, the House of the Blue Nile, is a new tradition devoted exclusively to the worship of the Egyptian Gods.


  Why the emphasis on being a ‘non-Wiccan Group’?

Simply, we don’t want to misrepresent ourselves. Our covenstead does have a Wiccan group Caer Arianrhod, which is also seeking new members, but House of the Blue Nile, is completely different in its form of worship, not casting a Circle or calling the quarters, etc.,  and in preparation for the rites.


We have researched many text sources in order to devise, as closely as possible, ritual, preparation and feasting formats, to that of the Ancient Egyptians as a way of honouring our Gods in ways that are culturally appropriate.


What can guests expect, when they attend for the first time?

We emphasize the Egyptian approach to purity before attending any rite.  The preparation before one enters the mansion (or temple) is an important part of our rituals. We have researched such preparations and have found that there are entire rituals surrounding the preparation, the washing, the dressing, the purification with incense, the eating of the tamarind, etc, and have adapted this as part of our preparation.


Our rites are also ‘ecstatic’ – we focus on the drumming and the dancing as well as the feasting. Since many of the original rites were not structured in the typical ritual sense, ours are not either.


This means that we do not cast a Circle or employ other ritual aspects that one normally finds in Wiccan Rites. Since there is no evidence that the Egyptians ever performed their rites in a Circle, we feel that it is not appropriate for us to do this either.


With regards to ecstatic worship – it’s not for everyone. Some people feel more comfortable in a ritual that has a certain structure. Our rituals do not have this, as a whole.


As far as we’ve been able to determine, there was no set ‘structure’ to worship in ancient Egypt, although there was indeed an emphasis on certain prayers that must be uttered, certain foods that should be available and modes of dress, such as linen kilts or loin cloths for men and cotton or silk sheath dresses for the women.


Each individual who attends is expected to bring something to share for the feast, be it wine or beer, or the culturally appropriate foods such as grapes, figs, dates, flatbreads… Our feasts are shared within the ritual.


We are currently seeking new members and welcome inquiries.


Please email us here      For information on the Egyptian Gods we pay homage to click here  For a short essay on 'What is Ecstatic Ritual'? Click here.