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View of Apgar Mountain, looking North from Highway 2, half mile from entrance to West Glacier, Tuesday, July 29th, 2003 View of Apgar Ridge, looking NorthWest from Highway 2, half mile from entrance to West Glacier, Tuesday, July 29th, 2003 Image courtesy of National Park Service Web Site
Image courtesy of National Park Service Web Site View of Apgar Mountain, Tuesday, July 29th, 2003.  Flames visible on upper right hand corner of mountain.  Picture taken approx. 6 pm View from Highway 2, 1/2 mile north of Glacier Maze
View from Highway 2, 1/2 mile north of Glacier Maze View from Highway 2, 1/2 mile north of Glacier Maze View from Highway 2, 1/2 mile north of Glacier Maze
Roberts Fire, Day 1, fire reported at approx. 4:30, picture taken at 5:30 from Going to the Sun Road, 5 miles from Apgar Village Trapper Creek Fire, July 23rd, Fire had just closed The Loop on Going to the Sun Road Trapper Creek Fire, View from Lake McDonald looking North
Trapper Creek Fire, taken 3 miles North of Lake McDonald Lodge Trapper Creek Fire Trapper Creek Fire, View from Apgar Village
Roberts Fire, Picture taken 1 hour after fire was reported, looking SouthWest from Going to the Sun Road View of Roberts Fire, taken from Jennifer Strey's front porch View of Roberts Fire, taken from Jennifer Strey's back porch
View of Roberts Fire, taken from Jennifer Strey's back porch Roberts Fire, View from 1/2 mile North of Glacier Maze on Highway 2.  Fire had just triggered evacuation of West Glacier, Apgar Village and Lake Five

Page Last updated July 30th, 2003
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