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~~ Welcome to Voo36's Page ~~

Web Sites You Might Enjoy Visiting

A great Fire / Rescue Info Page lol.. but TURN DOWN THE SOUND FIRST !
Everything you ever wanted to know about computers and MORE !
If you've never seen the Penguin Dance... Here it is !

A little about me... I'm 38, married, 5 kids, Co-owner of computer sales/repair business, Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Rescuer in my "Spare Time" ;o) Ohhhh... PS... have now added " 911 dispatcher" to my repetoire.. greatest job in the world when its not driving you crazy ! lol

Click here for picture of Me in Full Turnout Gear!

Thanks for stopping by to see me. Feel free to drop in to Yahoo Chat's Computer Lobby if you should ever need any computer or technical help. They're a great bunch of folks in there...(be prepared tho! We act a little strange sometimes...) Tell 'em Voo sent ya to the brightest people in Yahoo chat for help if I'm not around ;o)