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Mike's Page -O- Trippin'



I don't like squash.


2 Years without an update?!!!

Yes True Believers, I live, and I update to!

Alot has happened in the last two years, namely I moved and I bought a car. Even though I moved and I have very lucious cable broadband, I doubt I'll ever color Kota's World again. Kevin has surpassed me in coloring, and it would take many months of practice for me to even get back to my prevous level, let alone get as good a Kev.

Rest assured that this isn't the last of me, for I have my own projects to work on.

Weather I get off my ass and do them if another matter.


3 Months without an update?

Wow, I know i've been neglecting this page, but over 3 months? My only defence is that I'm lazy, and I'm only on the net at work. I'll make no promises, but I should be updating this page more often once I move (nope, still havn't yet) and get a cable modem. mmmmmmm, cable modem.

Since I'm here, how about a rant?

I need a car. Not just any car, but a fire-breathing monster V-8 that will make Ricers crap their pants. Thats another thing that pisses me off, but i'll save that for another rant.


My Dirty Little Secret

Yeah, I know I'm late, so bite me.

I am stricken with a serious addiction, one that will surely drive away my friends and bring financial ruin. An addiction that there is no 12 step program for.

Hello, my name is mike, and I'm a Legoholic.

I feel better now. I'm not talking about your average, run of the mill Legos either. I'm addicted to the Star Wars Lego sets, mostly from the original trilogy. I already have the X-Wing, Y-Wing, B-Wing, Tie Fighter, Vader's Tie, Slave One, The Imperial Shuttle, The Millennium Falcon, Luke's Landspeeder, and the AT-ST. I think I need to seek Professional help.


My Shit

I'm early, but don't expect this to happen often.

You never know how much you really like your shit until you have to go without it. Now I'm not talking about actual shit, but about my possesions (like George Carlin said "Your stuff is shit, my shit is stuff"). I am currently renting a room from someone, and all my stuff (shit) is in a storage room. I miss my bed, my furniture, having my own kitchen , but most of all I miss my computer desk. When I first got into computers i quickly realized that with the ammount of time I was spending on my computer I needed something better than the crapy little desk that I was using. So I went out and bought $800 worth of computer desk and chair, and had many a comfortable month with it. But now I am deskless, forced to use a T.V. tray for my keyboard and trackball (i dont want to hear nuthin' about my ball, I love my Logitech Marble FX). I know I can do better with the coloring of Kota's World, but due to the discomfort of my current situation I try to do the comic as fast as possible. That and the fact that I'm always doing it at the last minute, also because it is so uncomfortable. Not only has this affected my work on the comic, but my gaming as well. I barely have a net connection at home (net zero blows) and I can't stay online long because of the guy I'm staying with doesn't want his phone tied up. ughraaa!!

Tune in next time as Mike complains about more stuff that you don't care about.



Being inspired by my new favorite comic MegaTokyo (aside from Kota's World of course), I'll be putting information here that will (hopefully) inform, entertain, or just annoy the piss out of atleast one person.

First off, please excuse the simplicity of the layout, as this is my first forray into building a web page, and I'll only get better with time.

Now for the good stuff.

Last weekend Kevin and I got Adobe Photoshop 6 to upgrade the versions on our machines, and to our horror PS6 SUCKS. Many of the functions disapeared or where a PITA to use, for example the color fill tool under PS5.5 was on the toolbar or keyboard shortcut K. In PS6 you have to select an area (I'm not even going to start on 6's Magic Wand) and go to edit blah blah blah menus and so on (don't you love my concise narrative?). I mean come on, who ever heard of improving a product by stripping features and alienating past users? I may be overlooking some benifits of 6, but fill is my most used tool.

That's it for now, so tune in next... um.. well, I'll try to update here atleast once a week, os see you then!

Bjork nekid

star wars techno
