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A Pink Librarian

The Apothecary Table
This website is my personal collections of writings. These writings include original stories, essays, and fanfiction dealing mainly with The Magnificent Seven, a television show which used to air on CBS. The fanfiction was written mainly when I was a mid-teen, and I probably won't be dealing with that fandom again in terms of writing. I still write original fiction and, of course, essays.

The White Riot
This website is my own, personal tribute to the 70s/80s punk/rock band, the Clash. I put a lot of time and effort into this website, and it shows. This website will probably never be updated again, but there is enough information there to keep one busy for days. The White Riot includes biographies, photo galleries, news, discography, album reviews, articles, and more. PunksForLige.Org asked me if I would let them take over this site, and I have agreed, with the stipulation that they give credit where credit is due. Watch their site for the new version of the White Riot.

The DunnesDarlins FanFiction Archive
As list owner and creater of the mailing list DunnesDarlins, I created this archive so members don't have to search through the message archives to find the posted fanfiction. This archive contains The Magnificent Seven fanfiction dedicated to J.D. Dunne, as played by Andrew Kavovit on the television show.

Online Journal
Yes, I do have a personal, online journal which I often write in. This journal is filled with my ramblings; writings; rants; recommendations for novels, movies, fan fiction; and more. However, I am leery of listing the link for it on this page because I do occasionally (read: very, very frequently) rant about things/people in my Real!Life and write about personal, private interests of mine. It mostly doesn't matter if someone unwanted would somehow stumble upon this journal, because these particular entries are "friends protected" and, therefore, blocked to non-journal users and journal users whom aren't listed as a "friend." I'm not going to advertise the link, though. If you would like to read my journal, or if you have a live journal of your own, feel free to e-mail me and I'll send you the link if I deem you a safe reader.

Contact Me
There are several different ways you can reach me, which I've listed below in order of reliability.

    AOL Instant Messenger: StefiJeanW
    ICQ: stefanie2_9, 102732815
    Yahoo! Messenger: stefanie2_9

Go on! If you've gotten this far, take the extra minute to sign my guestbook. Your gesture will not go unappreciated.

© 2003