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Community policing is a collaborative effort between the police and the community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and involves all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems. It is founded on close, mutually beneficial ties between police and community members.

My name is Officer Nathan Blevins, and I have been a member of the Mississippi State University Police Department since 1998. I am a native of Aberdeen, Mississippi, and a 1990 graduate of Caledonia High School. I received my law enforcement training at the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers Training Academy in Pearl, Mississippi. I graduated the academy on September 11, 1998. I also graduated from East Mississippi Community College in 1995 with an Associate of Science Degree. More recently, I graduated from Mississippi State University in 1997 where I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology. Currently I am working on a Masters in Education. I am the Crime Prevention Coordinator, a R.A.D. and Advanced R.A.D. Instructor, and a campus community police officer at Mississippi State University. I enjoy fishing, sports, and exercising for my leisure activities.

Our guestbook exists for you! We welcome any questions, comments, and/or concerns you have. If you would like to know more about community policing, the Mississippi State University campus and police department, or any community policing programs, please let us know!

Mississippi State University Police Department

Mississippi State University Department of Housing and Residence Life

Mississippi State University




R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense)

Community Policing Consortium

Campus Safety Journal

Practical Guide to Crime Prevention

Police Foundation:


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the following RAD graduates: Fabinee Perry, Patricia May, Mary Beal, Veronica Outlaw, Lynda Gaydon, and Mary Hannigan. Keep up the good work!!! For information concerning crime prevention or our RAD program, please contact MSU Police Dept. @ 325-9149.

Website Designer: Brandon Wallis
Date Last Modified:November 7, 2000