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This website is dedicated to my three children.

It is about the love I have for them

and just a small glimpse of each child.

I hope you enjoy your visit and will

sign my guestbook and let me know you have visited.

To start your journey just click on each childs name.

Michael Danielle Arianna

Before you visit their pages please scroll down

a little farther and read this beautiful poem

that was written about our son Michael by a great poet

Dedicated For All Who Loved Michael

Most parents will never experience,
The joy that was given to us,
A child who's name was Michael,
Given by God in trust.

From the very first moment we held him,
Till the day God beckoned him home,
Our hearts seen a glimpse of Heaven,
But Michael was only on loan.

June eleventh nineteen ninety,
Was a day so many were blessed,
For Michael crept into the hearts of those,
Who were rewarded by knowing him best.

As a Mom and Dad we were soon to learn,
That Michael was sent to teach,
Love.. kindness.. and gentleness,
For all people whose life he would reach.

Michael had bubbled with energy,
That few other children could match,
When he drove his prized four wheeler,
You prayed there would not be a crash!

From climbing trees with grand parents,
To chasing with a garden hose,
Or playing with his favourite dinosaurs,
Watching Disney toward evening close.

Michael loved the beach with its sandy shores,
And the pool that was in the back yard,
Warm baths in the tub was fun time,
With his dinosaurs he would guard!

Too swiftly his final day did come,
June thirteenth nineteen ninety seven,
When the Lord could no longer be without him,
And Michael was returned back to Heaven.

Grief and sorrow shrouded so many lives,
Sounds of hearts could be heard while broken,
Questions of why mixed with anger,
Directed to God with questions were spoken.

We continue to learn as each day passes by,
How to live with the loss of our son,
Michael's sisters Danielle and Arianna,
With their presence the healings begun.

~valentyne~ lang. 10/31/03

Page last updated February 17, 2005