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Luke's Diary

March 9th

Good mornin' or should I say good afternoon! I am so incredibly happy! My world is made of gold! Wanna know why? How 'bout I show you!

Isn't he ssssooooo cute! His name is Lukester, as you can see. I just love him to bits...okay enough mushy stuff. Onto business..I found my last clue on the object of the case. The bad guy...I dunno yet. But as far as the stolen part, I've gotten all the clues I could get after today. Look at the next clue:

No, she wasn't stolen (lol) but how can her music along with the first three clues compare? E-mail me with your ideas of what could've been stolen! Now for another newsflash, we're having a family's-day-out today so I won't be able to get online to put in my entries. Well, good luck on the case! Remember to e-mail me! Chow 4 Now! ~2:18 PM

Hey! I snuck in for a quick update! We went out to a nice resteraunt and they were playing music. They announced this: "Here is Christina Aguilera with her first big hit, 'Genie in a Bottle'". I think that has to do with our fourth clue...uh oh. Time for Trivial Pursuit! C-ya! ~7:51 PM