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Luke's Diary

March 8th

Everyone have a good sleep? I did! Okay, ont our third clue...
I found that piece of paper in our files...I wonder what it could mean? Maybe someone's in need of our help...(well duh Luke!)...lol.

Anyway, if you have any ideas from the three clues of what it could be, e-mail me or else I won't be able to go on with this case! I need ideas! OH NO...I have to go get a shot from my doctor!! ARGH! I hate shots!! *WAAAAAAHHH* I'll have to talk to you later! Bye and E-MAIL ME!!!!!! ~2:16 PM

Hey I'm back! I was out at a scavenger hunt with my friends! Look at the list we had:

It was cool running around from door to door...hey...that gives me an idea! Since I have all this stuff that I don't really need, I'll stick em in different spots of Pawz N Clawz so you can have your own scavenger hunt! When you find one of the objects in the list above, jot down which one it is and what page it's on (ie. pink bandaid - adoption center). Once you've found them all, send it in to LukeDaMutt@angelfire.com! *Yawn* Well, I better be gettin' to bed. Happy searchin'! ~10:06 PM