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Luke's Diary

March 7th

Good mornin' everyone! It's a purdyful day! Okay, onto da subject...I bet ya'll er just dyin' to know what that little secret is! Should I tell ya? Well should I? I dunno...it's a tough decision! Hardy har har...okay I'll tell ya! If you've been snoopin' 'round the Detective's Study ya'd know! I get to give out hints for the case! Aren't ya excited! I can't wait! Uh oh, lunch time! Gotta chow...C-ya! ~12:06 PM

I'm back! Did ya miss me? I betcha did! (Hee hee) Anyway, look at my new pic!

Elementary my dear Watson! (lol) I can't wait for the case! Can you? Guess what! Oh, you're gonna love this! I snuck into the files and found our case! We're gonna start a day early!!! First, we gotta figure out what has been stolen...look! I found our first clue! Take a look-see!

Hmm...I wonder what it could be...If you have any idea, e-mail me! Thanks! I'm gonna go look for more clues! C-ya 'round! ~1:33 PM
I'm on a roll now! I found another clue! This is sssssoooooo cool! Look at it:

It seems to be some sort of instrument...but what? E-mail me with ANY ideas you have about either one of the clues!! I can't wait to see your guesses! I wanna sniff out some more - uh oh! No! Don't make me - argh! I have to go to a music lesson...I hate leaving the Internet for a silly music lesson...especially when I have to pratice after the lesson! Well, I'll be back to sniff out more clues around 6:30! Talk to ya then!..Okay mom, I'm goin' already! Bye everyone! ~2:14 PM
Hi once again! I just got done eatin' dinner (scrumptious too if I might add)! Bad news...I haven't found anymore clues and I still need help on the first two! If you have any idea to what they might mean...e-mail me! Oh yeah, this is a BIG announcement! My mate is expecting! Isn't that terrific!!!!! Lookey:

I'm over Caitlynn...lol. (No offense to her of course...) She wasn't interested in me. We're still good friends though! It's just that my heart belongs to Rosalie! Mmmmm....I smell dessert! Gotta go chow! Talk to you later! ~7:43 PM