~*Da DeDiCaTiOnZ*~

For those who dun kno...this part of muh site is dedicated to two of muh sissas who made a difference in muh life....Drea and Suave.

Where do I start wit Drea???I'm soooo grateful to have you as a sissa.You've helped me so much and in a way, helped me grow inside.You have alwayz been by my side, no matter what.You're my shoulder to cry on when I need it.When I need someone to talk to,to tell all my problems to,and to get advice from..I come to you.I dun kno how much ya changed muh life.When I used to think that harmin muhself was tha only way to solve muh problems, you gave me a reason fo livin anotha day.Tha bond that we have iz unbreakable.I hope that I've been great sissa to you like you have been to me.There's so much I wanna say to you, but I can't put whu I feel into words..it's unexplainable.What i'm sayin iz truly comin from da heart,and I mean every word that comes out of muh mouth.You were da only person to sit der wif me and care fo me and comfort me when muh cousin and muh godsissa's brotha died.You dinna have to do wha you did,but you did it any way.I've known ya fo months now, and I've realized that ur a beautiful person...inside and out.Dun let nobody tell ya different.You can achieve all ya goals in life..rememba dat.We'll alwayz be sissas..no matta whu happens!~*uno amor mi hermana*~Hermanas por vida y para siempre!Mucho amor con todo mi corazon.

Suave...lawd I dunno where to begin here eitha.You've helped me a lot..even if you dun think so.I'm soooo glad that we've grown even closer over tha past few weeks.You've taught me how to smile again.You've done a lot fo me sissa.You're anotha shoulder to cry on when i'm depressed.You've always been there.I love tha timez when we're crackin each otha up bein silly..to when we talk about everything.Oh,by tha way, how's tha dough boy?I've been meant to fire him tha otha day but I forgot lol.Suave,you've got so much talent!When I get muh album out,ya definitely gonna be on it lol.Again,it's too hard to put muh emotions into wordz. I've been thru a lot of shyt in muh life,and i'm glad you were there fo me in those tough timez.We sissaz forever and a day!Aight,stay real and tha way ya are muh future MC/rapper sissa lol.~*una*~*mucho amor con mi corazon*~P.S.:I see ya got skillz when puttin a hella tight and great clique *ahem,*G-Tight**lol,keep it up slobbiez!